12 photos of swamp monsters that settled in the swamps of France (13 photos)

28 June 2023

French swamp monsters that give you goosebumps.

This artistic direction seems to establish directly relationship between man and nature. It's this intense dialogue. sculptor Sophie Prestigiacomo has been leading for many years: she creates incredible statues inscribed in the surrounding landscape. Most her famous works are swamp monsters, which appeared several times in the Marais de Séné nature reserve in France.

Marais de Séné or the Marshes of the Seine is a complex of marshes, meadows and marshes

There are 10 kilometers of trails for observing nature.

Dozens of species of birds nest on the territory of the reserve, which are perfectly visible from the trails.

It was here for the first time in 2012 that two swamp monsters from Sophie Prestijacomo appeared.

They were given the name Homo algus, but after a while they disappeared.

As it turned out, they really liked the swamps, and they just followed their friends

These unusual sculptures appeared several times in the reserve

They are all made from mud and seaweed and slowly dry out in the sun.

The colors, textures and "skins" of these fantastical creatures change over time.

However, depending on the season, the park itself, in which they settled, also changes.

Sophie says it was nature that inspired her to create Homo algus

These creatures miraculously fit into the environment, as if they had always lived here.

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