The store owner did not allow the robber to escape

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
26 June 2023

The man armed with a knife decided not to pay for the beer and tried to escape. However, the store owner did not let him go far.

Malcolm Trimble, armed with a kitchen knife, went to the store for beer, not intending to pay for the drink.

That's just a resident of Durham (England) did not take into account that the store owner would be a smart person. Realizing that the buyer is a robber, the owner rushed to the exit and, holding the door, blocked Malcolm inside. In addition, the man activated the security system, and the roller shutters on the door began to fall. True, the criminal tried to slip under them in the style of Indiana Jones, but was not agile and fast enough.

Malcolm was pinned to the ground with his head inside and his body outside. Taking advantage of the intruder's painful position, the store owner calmly called the police.

The police noted that it was one of the easiest arrests in recent times. Malcolm can only be a little comforted by the fact that while he was waiting for the arrival of the servants of the law, he managed to treat himself to the stolen beer. Apparently, this way the expectation of retribution turned out to be less painful.

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