In St. Petersburg, passengers kicked the driver because of the heat in the bus

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
26 June 2023

Allegedly, the driver did not want to turn on the air conditioner, and the lady of the heart of one passenger did not like it very much.

The heat can be a real cause of conflict if you are a passenger in public transport, which is very stuffy.

The conflict began during traffic. The companion of one of the passengers complained of stuffiness. He turned to the driver with a request to turn on the air conditioner - and was refused. A swearing began, ending in the end with a real fight. At the next stop, the participants in the conflict got out of the transport and gave vent to their feelings. A lady in a green dress, because of which, according to the media, everything happened, ran around and prevented the men from sorting things out. How the fight ended is not clear.

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