Accused of murder leaked through the bars in the courtroom and tried to strangle his cohabitant

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
15 May 2023

Of course, he was not allowed to commit another crime. But they gave another 7 years in prison in the appendage.

In Balakovo, Saratov Region, the court of appeal almost turned into a settling of scores with a witness. The incident took place a year ago, but the video was published only now - after the court pronounced the final verdict on the accused.

According to investigators, in 2017, furniture assembler Nikolai Gavrishev, out of jealousy, killed a man who had once had a close relationship with his cohabitant. He dismembered the body, scattered it across the field, and burned the clothes. And so this case would have remained unsolved if, a few years later, a woman who had become disillusioned with her common-law husband had not reported him to the police.

And so, at one of the court hearings, Gavrishev somehow, and literally in a second, was able to squeeze through the bars and attacked his ex-girlfriend.

He could not injure the "traitor". He was quickly stopped by guards. But for his trick, he received another seven years. Thus, for a brutal murder, as well as an attempt to escape and an attack on a witness, Gavrisheva was given 22 years in a special regime colony.

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