In Egypt, a man divorces his wife because of her indecent dancing at a friend's wedding

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
26 June 2023

East is a delicate matter. In Egyptian social networks, a video that has already become scandalous is viral: the bride's girlfriend (the one in the blue dress) danced heartily at her wedding. From the point of view of the Western layman, nothing like that, but for the locals there is a nuance: the woman is married, and now her husband is divorcing her.

"Despite the fact that in Egypt men (not all, but most) love to look at Ras Sharqi (??? ????), few people would agree that HIS wife danced in public like that and other men looked at her ", - writes blogger from Saudi Arabia Anna Saudi. After all, the profession of a dancer in Egypt is almost equated with the profession of a porn actress or a girl with "low social responsibility." And here is this:

Dancers are sometimes invited to weddings. But just the guests rarely dance so openly, especially if they are married. They lead round dances, dance, wave their hands - yes, but that's not all.

If the wedding is separate, then the girls, in principle, can dress as they like and dance as they want, but at a common wedding, the boundaries of decency must be respected.

For a husband, it is now a shame that all of Egypt saw his wife in this form ...

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