russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for June 15-16

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
17 June 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy


Japan may supply the United States with 155-mm artillery shells for Ukraine's counteroffensive.

- The evacuated Ukrainian BMP Bradley received a direct hit, but the crew managed to survive the attack.

- French far-right leader Marine Le Pen:

Crimea is part of Russia and has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine.

- Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United States will jointly supply Ukraine with hundreds of short- and medium-range air defense missiles and related systems.

- Ukraine will receive an additional 14 Leopard 2 tanks.

Denmark and the Netherlands will pay more than 100 million euros for the contract.

Rheinmetall will provide equipment that will be in Ukraine by the end of January.

- Spain will transfer 20 M113 armored personnel carriers, a field hospital and 4 repaired Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.

- Germany "immediately" will transfer to Ukraine another 64 missiles for the Patriot air defense system.

- The Ukrainian Air Force reports the destruction by air defense forces on June 16:

6 missiles "Dagger"

6 missiles "Caliber"

2 x UAVs

- The Ukrainian military seized the Russian T-54 tank.

- Putin: Russia transferred nuclear weapons to Belarus.

We can use nuclear weapons only in case of a threat to the existence of the Russian state.

- For the first time in history, Israel is selling more than 200 Merkava Mk2 and Mk3 tanks to unnamed EU countries.

Two unidentified ( countries (with US support) intend to purchase more than 200 used Merkava Mk2 and Mk3 tanks from Israel. This is an unprecedented case, since Israel has never sold its tanks to anyone in all 40 years after the tank went into service.

- The US will not respond if the Russian Federation launches missile strikes on Europe, — The Times.

The publication writes ( that according to Putin's statement, the continued supply of Western weapons to Ukraine could provoke a nuclear conflict with the US, but since Washington does not want to risk its own cities being destroyed in a nuclear war, even strikes on European targets will not cause the US to retaliate.

- In addition to the President of South Africa, the following presidents are visiting Kiev: Zambia, Senegal, Comoros, the Prime Minister of Egypt, the Ugandan Foreign Ministry.

Tomorrow the delegation plans to go to St. Petersburg to meet with Putin.

The most interesting thing is that they are increasingly taking a pro-Russian position and on the same day Russia shelled Kyiv.

- Exclusive footage from the Kyiv hideout

- Send ATACMS to Ukraine and confiscate Russian $350 billion — new bills in the US Senate

And also others ( that appeared there recently:

➡️ Declare Russia a terrorist state.

➡️ Accept the Ukrainian victory.

➡️ Declare Wagner a terrorist organization.

➡️ Recognize the genocide.

- BF MK Foundation together with NAVI and the developers of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with the assistance of the General Staff, they provided the army with vehicles

10 cars transferred ( APU. Soon they will go to the front to beat the Russians out of Ukrainian soil.

In total, the charitable foundation created by Maxim Krippa, together with the gaming community, purchased 100 vehicles, some of them are already serving as the Da Vinci Wolves, the 41st and 42nd Motorized Brigade.

- Putin: Zelensky — not a Jew, he is a disgrace to the Jewish people.

Meanwhile the Jews:

- Such is the "continuity of generations" in Russian realities

- Probably lives in a quarantine bunker

- The Samara deputy, who listened to Putin with noodles on his ears, was accused of extremism, he received a subpoena

Deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma Mikhail Abdalkin received a summons to court, where on June 20 he will be considered for a protocol on the dissemination of extremist materials.

“They brought a summons to the court on the banned song of the musical rock group“ Elektropartizany ”, which they found on my page in“ Vkontakte ”, dropping everything and listening to 6000 of my audio recordings. For such work, they were awarded the Order of the Stooped One,” Abdalkin wrote in his telegram channel.

On February 21, Abdalkin published a video where he listens to Vladimir Putin's message to the Federal Assembly with noodles on his ears. After that, the deputy's colleagues in the Legislative Assembly dismantled his behavior and declared him a public censure.

In March, Abdalkin was fined 150,000 rubles for discrediting the army at the denunciation of State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein. At the same time, the Samara branch of the Communist Party refused to punish the deputy, as requested by the provincial Duma.

- Are any coincidences random, eh?

- All soldiers must be fed

- ASTRA subscribers report that leaflets of the anti-war project "I Want to Live" have again appeared in Simferopol

"I want to live" – Ukrainian state project of the Coordinating Headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war, created for the voluntary surrender of Russian military personnel.

Before that, residents of Crimea reported that the leaflets were posted in January.

- Krinzh after krinzh, and after him another krinzh

- This is the concentration of Shiza. Why am I surprised though?

- I go to the toilet to pee, not puke

- And why us?!

- Graduation of the second year of the war

- We must also order scientists to create an elixir of eternal life, otherwise why are they getting such money just like that

- When Putin approaches you, you will easily recognize it

- Bonded creativity of the Russian hinterland

- Oh, just right for me

- Details of the murder by the cops of the assetist who pasted leaflets of the Ukrainian project “I want to live” in Rostov-on-Don;

- Belarus adopted a law on the "trial of the dead" and the people's militia.

Are we waiting for amendments to allow judging animals, natural phenomena and the laws of physics?

Well, sentence the sea to public punishment, declare gravity an extremist, issue a fine to the Moon for not shining according to the rules...

- New residents of Shebekin complain that the Russian military is robbing their houses and shitting there. Who would doubt that

The Russian army robs you so that NATO soldiers don't do it

- Due to the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, 32 objects with oil, gasoline and chemicals were flooded – Greenpeace

Satellite data analyzed by Greenpeace show that 32 oil refineries, gas stations, a thermal power plant and a warehouse were affected by the flooding.

According to the organization, only in the first days after the disaster, up to 150 tons of engine oil could get into the water. Experts warn that lower water levels will lead to oil pollution.

The consequences for aquatic organisms in the Kakhovka Reservoir and the Dnieper River will be enormous. This will negatively affect the habitat of fish, birds, amphibians and other animals, as well as lead to pollution of their habitats, Greenpeace experts say.

- The Belgorod region spent on the stand for the "SPIEF" twice as much money as compensation for residents who lost their homes as a result of hostilities

According to the information received from the State Procurement website and marked "We can explain", the cost of the stand for the presentation of the region amounted to 11 million rubles. The stand includes a large panel with a map of the region with live plants from the region. The main element was a suspended cube with augmented reality screens, showing graphics about the development and construction of new quarters in the Belgorod region.

At the same time, according to the budget for 2023, the Belgorod region allocated only 6.4 million rubles for subsidies for residents who lost their homes due to shelling. In the Shebekinsky district, only one million rubles is intended for residents whose houses were destroyed, burned down or bombed.

- The real reason why a Russian didn't overthrow Putin

- Drama in two acts

- We didn't send you there (c)

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