15 Abandoned Places That Keep The Beauty Of Withering And Forgotten Memories (16 Photos)

There is a special charm in places left by people. In the world you can find many locations that attract travelers and photographers with its abandonment and some strange mystery, hidden in this ruin. Here are just a few of them.

Shadows of the past remain in abandoned places like a haunting a reminder that people once lived there, lovingly equipping his once lively home, where love and peace used to reign, and now it's in decline.

The last abandoned house on a crumbling island

These forgotten places left by people evoke a feeling sadness and at the same time, the desire to explore them. peeling paint, broken windows and overgrown foliage - all this testifies the passage of time and the impermanence of human existence.

Abandoned Audi TT Quattro along with many other abandoned UK vehicles

A mastodon that has been decaying for over 15 years at a closed dinosaur theme park

Abandoned Synagogue

old tree house

Abandoned sugarcane factory in the heart of the Belizean jungle

The Angel of Death is patiently waiting...

Abandoned glass factory

It was part of the former steel giant in Begium. An industry that was hit hard and did not survive the steel crisis 2008-2014

Abandoned blue church in Italy

Shipwreck on the Skeleton Coast in Namibia

The place where you can find the creature from Jeepers Creepers

A drought in Mexico exposed a 16th-century church

Abandoned water slide in Japan

Forgotten Manor, Ireland

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