The wonderful story of saving a woman in the forest (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
5 June 2023

Barbara Dudswell, with a broken leg, spent two days in a ravine and was threatened with death. If not for her faithful dog.

On September 14, 2019, the woman went on a short hike with your dog. She took with her four bottles of water and a couple snacks. They walked along the path and almost reached its end, Barbara slipped and broke her leg. Unable to resist, she collapsed into a deep ravine.

“I slipped and my leg broke. I didn’t even notice how it happened. Everything happened so fast. I didn't know what would happen to me further, so she screamed very loudly.

Ashland Lake (Washington)

In shock, Barbara did not panic, but began to act: she used a backpack, several sticks, which found nearby and shoelaces to splint. Exhausted, half-starved, in pain, she spent in this ravine a day and a half. Barbara couldn't even call for help. The problem was in that she did not tell anyone where and when she was going to go. Her the faithful dog ran away not far from his mistress with a loud bark, which in As a result, one of the runners heard.

"I heard the voice of a man and screamed at the top of my voice: "You Human! You are a man - thank God! The guy asked: “Are you okay?”, and I replied: “No, it’s not okay”

Barbara's dog

The man raced 2 miles and back to take some water and spare clothes from your car. Then he went to the post for help. ranger. Search services worked in terrible weather conditions, under pouring rain to find the victim and in the end twenty volunteers managed to find her.

Barbara was taken to the hospital.

Barbara Dudswell

She had to undergo knee surgery and a lengthy rehabilitation. Since then, Dudswell has repeatedly said:

"Be grateful for everything you have. Just be grateful."

and then added:

"Take care of yourself. Always tell someone where you're going."

In turn, the rangers of the US National Park Service do not get tired of repeating: when you go even for a one-day walk, even on the easiest route, always take things with you essentials. These include lanterns, food, water, extra clothing, navigation gadgets.

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