17 sinister houses and structures that could be home to movie villains (18 photos)

31 May 2023

From towering skyscrapers to whimsical structures, the world filled with buildings that defy norms and push boundaries architectural design.

Here are just a few of them that look like a lair of villains from movies that hide in their headquarters to make up there is a well-thought-out plan of revenge on the protagonist. Of course, it's not really so (at least I want to believe it) and it's just bizarre buildings that look slightly ominous.

This Los Angeles estate is called The Real Vampires of Beverly Hills.

Welcome or No Trespassing

Building located in Esbjerg, Denmark

Catholic Church, Paks, Hungary

These strange houses look a little unfriendly

Art Museum located in Chongqing, China

Temple in the shape of a snake dedicated to Krishna in India

Hotel for vampires

Black house located in Germany

Looks like a place where Darth Vader's office could be.

Wedding Palace "Bagt Koshgi", Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Skull Museum in Hyogo, Japan, which contains a collection of exhibits dedicated to the human skull

Seeing such a house in the middle of the road, the only thing you want to do is carefully turn around and run in the other direction.

This house is not happy to see us

Facade of the headquarters of the National Party in Rome with propaganda poster, which depicts the face of Mussolini with many repeating the word "yes", 1934

A villain who drives a pink car must live in a place like this. Nara, Japan

U.S. Army chemical weapons depot located in Utah

In 1996, it contained 45% of all US chemical weapons stockpiles, which have since been destroyed.

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