Actors who are the most difficult to work with according to their colleagues (11 photos)

26 May 2023

Here are 10 Hollywood actors who have a difficult character and are extremely difficult to work with.

As in any industry, the world of big cinema has its own talented bores, status petty tyrants, always dissatisfied with all the know-it-alls, trying to keep everything under control, and too professional people who do not tolerate even a moment of relaxation from others on work.

All the actors from our today's list are able to bring high results and with their work to make a film with their participation masterpiece. But at what cost to everyone around?

Edward Norton

Known for harassing his colleagues by interfering in everything aspects of the film in which it is filmed. Loud disputes with directors and produced by Norton in the films "American History X" (1998), "Red Dragon" (2002), but in the movie "Italian Job" on the contrary, he was deliberately lazy and pretended to be completely uninterested in project.

Especially bright is his story with the film "The Incredible Hulk" (2008), where he tried to rewrite the script along the way (as usual), wanting to deepen the superhero movie. Because of everyone the difficulties that the producers of the film had to endure, Norton was removed from the franchise, and his place in The Avengers was taken by Mark Ruffalo.

Shia LaBeouf

The actor is known for his complex character and eternal desire to someone to fight on the set. During rehearsal Broadway play "Orphans" he attacked Alec Baldwin, because of which was fired, and he himself claimed that he simply entered the role too much. After LaBeouf kept watch for Baldwin at the theater for some time. In addition, he got into a fight with Tom Hardy on the set of The Drunkest County in the World, and what can we say about his public performances, such as appearing at the premiere film "Nymphomaniac" with a paper bag on her head, where she showed off "I'm not famous anymore" sign.

After such antics, the number of people wishing to take a talented actor to their film decreased sharply.

Marlon Brando

The legendary Marlon, who became very starry at the end of his career Brando greatly surprised Francis Ford Coppola when he appeared on shooting the film "Apocalypse Now" (1979) not thin, as he wanted director, but on the contrary noticeably gained weight. As a result, most of the scenes with the actor was filmed in semi-darkness, so that unnecessary kilograms of "sickly and emaciated" Brando's character script.

In addition, the actor refused to learn the text of his role, constantly improvising, which did not suit Coppola. As a result, the director called the behavior of one of the main movie stars of the 20th century childish and irresponsibility.

Sharon Stone

Stone has a reputation for being demanding. For example, one of the main reasons why the sequel to "Basic Instinct" it took so long (from 1992 to 2006) to finally get out in light, was that Stone had disputes with studio executives about the film's sexual content.

And the actress refused to act in the film for a long time. Italian director Pupi Avati, as the filming was to take place ... in Italy. This situation so surprised and angered the director that he told about everything in the interview:

Between her agents and our lawyers began enough correspondence to write a book based on it. These were negotiations bordering on absurdity and touching on many embarrassing details — as if Italy were a third world country. Incidentally, we have Italy has electricity.

Christian Bale

The case when devotion to the cause and the highest the professionalism of the actor often turned into a problem for the film crew sites. This was especially evident on the set of the film "Terminator: Yes a savior will come" (2009), when Bale yelled at director of photography for preventing him from acting out the role, constantly flickering before his eyes.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The actress is known for her arrogant demeanor and exactingness. Many of her colleagues noted that she was not very nice to chat because of hercoldness and severity, as if an actress every remembers for a second of his life that he is the owner of an Oscar for Best Actress. She always demands better lighting and insists on being shot harder than her co-stars. In 1998 year in the American magazine Movieline Paltrow received an honorary title "the most arrogant."

Steven Seagal

There are dozens of rumors that the actor was physically abusive workers and actors on the set, simply using their power and martial arts skills. His colleague in the film "Ordered destroy "(1996) John Leguizamo shared with the press a demonstration history:

I played the senior sergeant, we came to the rehearsal, and he says, “I am in charge here. Everything I say is the law. Does anyone disagree? I'm like, "Bwaahaha." I started laughing because he sounded crazy. And then this two-meter took advantage of his taekwondo technique and pinned me against the wall, knocking the entire air. All I could say was, “What are you doing? For what?"

All I could say was, “Why?! Why did he hit me against the wall?” We're just rehearsing.

Bruce Willis

The action star really tired the filmmakers "Double Kopets" (2010), in particular the director of the film Kevin Smith, who called the experience with the actor "heartbreaking":

He turned out to be the most miserable, most embittered and meanest emo [scoundrel] I have ever met.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe has developed a reputation for being difficult over the years. human and disturber of the peace on the set. Director Curtis Hanson says it's rooted in passion for his craft and in wanting everyone to share that passion in the project. After all Crowe's conflicts on the courts are the result of his unofficial the status of "actor of 1000 questions", who considers it his duty to disassemble every line in the script, while having an opinion on everything.

Dustin Hoffman

Another professional with a capital letter, who constantly asked for an infinite number of takes in order to produce the perfect version. In addition, in the rush of his game, he can give out not the most pleasant surprise. stage colleagues. So, Meryl Streep received a sudden a slap in the face in one of the scenes of the movie Kramer vs. Kramer. And in another the actor completely unplanned broke a glass next to his head against the wall Streep, causing her to experience genuine fear. By the way, these scenes are in the film itself.

No wonder Hoffman and Streep never crossed paths in films, despite the length of their careers.

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