Self-ironic roles of famous actors who were not afraid to laugh at themselves and their roles (9 photos)

2 May 2023

Many people think that famous actors are very narcissistic and extremely are sensitive to criticism. Yes, such guys may exist, but in Most of them are the same as you and me. They may well laugh at yourself and make fun of your usual roles. AND they do it not only in everyday life, but also in the movies. For example, Edward Norton in the film "Birdman" literally plays himself, recognizing that the fact that sometimes it is absolutely impossible to work with him on the same set site. Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Last Action Hero hinted that his "all-powerful characters" do not reflect the character of the actor in real life.

Al Pacino in "Twins So Different" (2011)

He played himself, that is, an elderly actor who starred in ingenious cinema, and now I’m not averse to appearing in Dunkin’ Donuts commercials, where he dances and raps, introducing a new coffee drink to the public - dankachino.

Jason Statham in Spy (2015)

Played the role of Special Agent Rick Ford, whose lines and stories embody many phantasmagoric images from the career of the actor himself. He is very cool, invulnerable, brutal, but here he plays like character is emphatically comical and with a ton of charming self-irony.

Arnold Schwarzenegger in The Last Action Hero (1993)

He played a typical action hero of the 1980s and 1990s, that is, himself. Moreover, his character literally lives in the world of films and therefore has all combat superpowers. In addition, in the film, Arnie also plays the second character is himself. Already literally himself, that is Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is a scene in the film acquaintance of the two essences of Schwarzenegger - himself and his all-powerful screen hero.

John Malkovich in Being John Malkovich (1999)

The very name of the film suggests that John Malkovich signed up for some kind of adventure.

According to the plot of the film, in one American office there is a secret entrance to the head of actor John Malkovich, where in the course of action they begin to drive excursions. And then John Malkovich himself finds out about it with his own persona.

We continue the meta-string: and then John Malkovich read the script for this movie and I thought it was a great idea to do it.

Edward Norton in Birdman (2014)

In fact, he plays himself and makes fun of his reputation an actor with whom it is impossible to work on the same set.

Nicolas Cage in The Unbearable Weight of Great Talent (2022)

Comedy film-self-reflection, the main character of which is an actor Nicolas Cage realizes that his career is not going well, so he is constantly pestered by Nikki - his younger version from the 1990s. Himself Cage signs up for a dubious adventure, solely to improve your financial situation.

All of Cage's problems shown in the film's exposition are true. (probably, except for Nikki, although who knows), from which the actor agreed make a film, and a black comedy.

Bruce Campbell in My Name is Bruce (2007)

Actor Bruce Campbell, best known for the Evil Dead trilogy, has long been removed mainly in second-rate films, so he decides to another career offer, this time quite specific.

Is this a description of the actor's life at the time of 2007, or the plot of the film My Name Is Bruce itself? Answer: both.

According to the plot, Bruce goes to a certain town, where he awakens some mystical evil. The residents called him because they thought that the protagonist of the "Evil Dead" like no one else knows how deal with this problem. Campbell himself is sure that he was called to filming another B-movie.

By the way, unlike Cage and his "biopic", Bruce Campbell himself directed this film.

Keanu Reeves in Maybe This Is Forever (2019)

A small role for Keanu Reeves, who played himself, was submitted ironically pathetic, like meapparition of a favorite of the public, who distributes sincere parting words and to tears pleases people with one look. Everyone loves Keanu and he is generally aware.

Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2 (2018)

In the scenes after the credits of the second part of "Deadpool" Ryan walked the skating rink on his past roles and career decisions, shooting the one he played extremely strange Deadpool from the movie "X-Men Origins. Wolverine "and himself himself admiring the script for the failed film Green Lantern.

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