Taiwanese bodybuilder brawls in store over chicken breast

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
25 May 2023

An international bodybuilding coach and personal coach for local elites, 28-year-old Zhu Nan suddenly decided that he was the Hulk in the flesh.

It all started with the fact that the nearest supermarket in the Zhongli district did not have Shufei chicken breasts with black pepper. This unpleasant news so pissed off the bodybuilder that he began to destroy everything. The sellers were not prepared for such violent displays of emotion and called the police.

But even when the police arrived, Zhu Nan did not calm down and went on the attack. As a memento from a meeting with a well-known bodybuilder in narrow circles, the authorities got bruises, a concussion and a reprimand from the authorities for excessive zeal in work.

But the international coach himself received a blow to the head with a baton and the prospect of a real prison term.

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But this is not the end of the story. Friends of the violent coach shed light on the cause of the guy's nervous breakdown. It turns out that before that, in 4 years, he made 520 marriage proposals to his girlfriend, a fitness trainer, and each time she refused him. And then there was no chicken breast in the store ...

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