Portals to other worlds: a selection of giant and real-life earthly holes (18 photos)

23 May 2023

There are many wonders on our planet. And they can be attributed huge geological formations that appeared due to natural human processes or actions. Or in simple words - huge holes! They can be found on land, underwater, and even in caves. Their sizes really amaze the imagination. And some of them look like this fantastic that they resemble "portals" to other worlds.

Mir kimberlite pipe, Yakutia

The hole has a depth of 525 meters and a diameter of 1.2 kilometers.

Giant blue hole, Belize

This is an incredibly beautiful karst funnel with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 124 meters.

Diavik Diamond Quarry, Canada

One of the most amazing man-made holes on the planet. Its area is estimated at 20 square kilometers.

Darvaza, Turkmenistan

This is a gas crater that has been burning continuously since 1971. Its diameter is 60 meters and its depth is 20.

Karst sinkhole in Guatemala

A natural hole of almost perfect round shape formed right on streets of the city. Its diameter is about 20 meters and its depth is 30 meters.

Funnel Soumill

The hole is of great scientific value to scientists. However, they have not yet been able to establish the exact depth of the funnel.

Big Hole Diamond Mine, South Africa

Initially, the mine was dug to a depth of 240 meters. However, with time it was covered with waste rock. Today dive to the bottom of the hole You can drop down as little as 40 meters.

Monticello Dam, California, USA

A unique water drain that is installed in the middle of Lake Berryessa. Its depth is approximately 21 meters, and its diameter is 22.

The Xiaozhai Sky Pit is the deepest crater in the world.

The pit has a depth of 662 meters.

Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA

The depth of this majestic man-made canyon is about 1.2 kilometers.

Andros Black Hole, Bahamas

The funnel got its name because of the characteristic color of the water. Its depth is huge and still not determined by researchers.

Berkeley Pit, Montana, USA

In front of you is an old copper mine with a diameter of 2.7 kilometers and a depth over 500 meters. When it closed, the pumps that took the water were stopped. As a result, a lake formed on the site of the pit.

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