In Perm, a dog crippled a "fighter for animal rights" and an animal rights activist

20 May 2023
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Now he needs an operation.

Semyon is a well-known animal rights activist and creator of the Ambulance Station for stray dogs. He was walking a Dogo Argentino, and then the emergency happened. Ekaterina Fominykh, president of the Antidoghanter Perm Animal Relief Fund, said:

Semyon was walking a Dogo Argentino outside the station. On the roulette. And when he entered the territory, the dog was still on the roulette table, at that moment other dogs began to fight. Trying to somehow disperse them, he raised his voice, and the dog from the roulette rushed at him. We immediately called an ambulance, he was taken to the emergency room. The operation has not yet taken place. Semyon has a dilemma - he is still afraid to leave the station, to leave the dogs. We have 200 dogs on our balance sheet, two thirds of which are disabled, all the functionality is based on it. The problem now is to keep the station running.

The defender has broken both arms, radial joints, torn veins and tendons. Without surgery, of course, will not do. And then - a difficult period of rehabilitation.

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