Why in Australia they want to shoot kangaroos (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
17 May 2023

Or how the kangaroo went from a symbol of Australia to a natural disaster.

Absolutely everyone associates the kangaroo with Australia and has long considered the national animal of the country. However, in recent years this has not just a symbol of the green continent, this is a real natural disaster. Recently, local environmentalists have proposed a very tough way to deal with this. disaster: they propose to reduce the number of marsupials by shooting their. So why did the kangaroos not please the local authorities?

The fact is that on the smallest continent of the planet There are more marsupials than humans. Experts predict that in the near future time their number will increase to 60 million individuals. For comparison, Australia has 25.8 million people. Kangaroos have long been catastrophe for local farmers: they destroy crops, harm agriculture and compete with livestock. Kangaroo in the country so many that kangaroo accidents account for 80% of all accidents involving animals. In fact, the driver must have a very good a reaction to dodge the marsupial.

Ecologists propose to fight the number of kangaroos cardinally: recently in the country it was proposed to deliberately shoot marsupials. Experts do not consider their decision wise and very humane. The fact is that during the last drought, many kangaroos died from hunger: in some areas, their numbers have decreased by 80%. Poor animals in search of food went into public toilets and ate paper, and some just lay on the roads, waiting for a sad fate.

In fact, permission to shoot marsupials in Australia has been operating for a long time, and animal meat is supplied not only to local markets, it also goes to import. Thus, until 2009 Russia was the main importer of kangaroo meat until a ban was introduced on this meat. Perhaps we everyone ate kangaroo meat, and they didn’t even suspect it: meat from Australia actively used in the production of sausages and sausages.

Another boom is expected on the continent in the near future fertility among kangaroos. It is for this reason that environmentalists suggest extreme measures to reduce their numbers and prevent them from suffering from hunger.

Animal rights activists oppose such drastic measures, considering them too hard. They especially criticized the proposal of environmentalists look at animals as a resource: use meat for food, and skin for production of clothing and accessories.

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