The Chinese offended the Indians with a video about the superiority of motorcycles over cars

Category: Funny, PEGI 0+
15 May 2023

Creative guys from China decided to make a viral video about the fact that guys on motorcycles are much cooler than car owners in the spirit of Indian cinema, but the Indians did not appreciate the humor.

The video really gained about 200 thousand views in the first two days, but its creators faced a wave of condemnation.

It seems that they took into account everything, including national costumes, songs, dances, beautiful girls, but they made a mistake only in one moment, and it was because of him that the Chinese were accused of distributing a racist video.

Take a closer look and before reading further, try to guess why the Chinese people of India are so upset?

The song is called "Look at my bike"

The whole thing turned out to be in makeup, according to the Indians themselves, their skin is not as dark as the Chinese comedians portrayed it. Here is the time to be offended by BLM representatives at everyone in the bunch, well, car lovers too. Although, friends, what do you think, who is more likely to meet a beautiful girl, a motorcyclist or a motorist?

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16 May 2023
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