Australian woman survived in the wild thanks to a bottle of wine (3 photos + 1 video)

12 May 2023

The woman went on a day trip through the dense forests of the state Victoria is lost. Good thing she had a bottle of wine with her. It was she who saved the unfortunate traveler, who was found only after 5 days.

48-year-old Lillian Ip (Lillian Ip) went on vacation in Bright, in the southeast of the Australian state of Victoria. In picturesque places the foothills of the Victorian Alps she intended to spend the day, but 24 hours, communication with her was cut off, and the worried relatives of the missing contacted the police.

Emergency services conducted extensive searches in areas Mitta-Mitta, near the cities of Wodonga, Bright and Albury, but could not find no sign of Lillian. Finally, after five days of searching in a car was seen at the end of a dirt road 60 km from the nearest town Lillian. It's good that the woman was next to her car. Lost Lillian's forces were admitted to the clinic.

It turned out that the unfortunate traveler did not plan linger on the road for more than a day, so it's frivolous reacted to the fees and did not even take water. The only liquid that She had a bottle of wine as a gift for her mother. Lillian drank it all this time, stretching down the throat. She also had a couple in her pocket. lollipops.

She told the police that she was trying to drive to Dartmouth Dam, but got lost and realized she had taken a wrong turn. A then, when trying to turn around, her car got stuck in the mud, and without a mobile Communications woman could not call for help.

The Australian explained that she did not drink, but it was thanks to wine that she managed to survive.

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