Square revolving bridge built in London

10 May 2023

A rather unusual design of the bridge was developed and implemented in Cody Dock - this is a former industrial dock located on the tidal river Lea (the left tributary of the Thames).

It would seem that mankind has developed many proven bridges that can not only pass pedestrians and cars, but also allow water transport to continue its path unhindered. But the engineer Thomas Randall-Page found all the already known solutions boring, and he created a unique square rotating bridge.

The 13-ton colossus is set in motion only with the help of winch handles. And all thanks to the wavy rails driven into the concrete abutments on both banks. Ballast fills the top of each square portal, counteracting the weight of the bridge deck that connects them. This symmetry allows the entire bridge structure to smoothly rotate 180 degrees to a fully inverted position, facilitating the movement of boats from the river to the dock.

As the engineer himself admits, the creation of this bridge is not the most budgetary and easy option, but it was worth it. The bridge was made the emblem of the Gasworks Docks Association (a charitable social enterprise that created a "community quarter of the arts and creative industries" on abandoned land).

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