In China, rescuers spent the whole night looking for a drowned man while he was sleeping

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
10 May 2023

In the province of Fujian, one man sat nicely in a bar with friends in the evening and, barely on his feet, went home, and after a while the rescue service was informed that he had fallen from a bridge into the river.

All night, rescuers and volunteers searched the river and banks in vain in search of the drowned man, since there was practically no chance of saving him. According to eyewitnesses, the man was very drunk and would hardly have swam out on his own. But everything was to no avail, the body was nowhere to be found, and only in the morning the situation cleared up.

The reveler really fell off the bridge, only by some miracle he did not fall into the river, but ended up in the structure supporting the bridge. He was not upset about his fall and decided to just sleep.

The rescuers had to get the drunk already from under the bridge, since he could not get out of there on his own sober head.

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