19 examples of cool and sincere service that caused complete delight among customers (20 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
2 May 2023

Customer love is the key to a thriving business. So that people don't ignored your goods and regularly visited establishments, there are few be treated with respect and gratitude.

Modern service and pleasant surprises are a feature that is able to distinguish you from competitors and prove to customers that that you really appreciate them. Many corporations and networks have long taken such an armament. They look for new approaches and do everything possible to capture people's attention and their hearts. Of course they efforts do not go unanswered.

Below are examples of a cool and useful service, with which manufacturers, shops and various institutions indulge their visitors and buyers.

There are special parking spaces for trolleys on the territory of the store.

This machine squeezes juice from fresh oranges right before your eyes

This electronics store has a miniature world for testing cameras

My local grocery store has free fruit to snack on while you shop.

At the clinic, a nurse used an infrared vein finder to put an IV in.

Now patients who have thin or hard to see veins can exhale with relief.

Airplane seat has internet port

The hotel I'm in changes the elevator mats throughout the day.

Good evening!

Good morning!

Good afternoon

Turkish Airlines has a chef on board

Immediately after dinner service, he returns to the cockpit and puts on the captain's hat ...

The local store has a special pen test board

This toilet has a separate door for children

A calculator is attached to the basket so that it is convenient for the client to calculate the cost of all purchases.

Coconut water is sold in the coconut itself with an eco-friendly ring

Customer focus

Was that on the moon?

Digital hangers show clothes size and price

This bar has a strip of snow to keep drinks cold longer.

Refrigeration also helps keep the ice cubes in the drink from melting. prematurely. Thanks to this, the client will receive a delicious and rich cocktail taste.

This heart-shaped straw was given to me at a coffee shop.

Mini self-service checkout on wheels. You can immediately scan your purchases, and then pay for them

I ordered a cup of espresso and got a small bar of chocolate to go with it.

A Japanese cafe has an hourglass that tells you when tea is cold enough to drink.

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