14 people with albinism who look like aliens (15 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
27 April 2023

Previously, they would have been called white crows, but today in the world people more loyal to the idiosyncrasies of others. Now albinos don't count superfluous in society. Let's take a look at their unique appearance.

1 Albinism Is A Rare Genetic Disease

2. In people with albinism, the complete or partial absence of pigment (melanin) in the hair, skin, eyes

3. This is an inherited disease, which means there were already albinos in the family

4. However, this affects not only the appearance

5. People have vision problems such as photophobia, amblyopia

6. They should not be in the sun for a long time or sunbathe, because the skin is very sensitive

7. Therefore, the eternal companion of albinos is sunscreen.

8. Usually people have not only fair skin, but also hair, eyebrows, eyelashes

9. Moreover, a representative of any ethnic group can have albinism

10. Approximately 1 in 17,000 cases

11. Unfortunately, most people with albinism die of skin cancer in their 30s and 40s.

12. However, they can live their lives more fully than decades ago.

13. Today, people with albinism are supported, they work in various fields, including models

14. Do you know albinos?

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