25 interesting facts about the Land of the Rising Sun (26 photos)

27 April 2023

Japan is like a parallel universe - so unique and its traditions, rooted in the distant past, are unique. Bizarre sense of humor, courtesy culture, anime, ubiquitous vending machines, robotic waiters, samurai and yakuza... and more transfer! Many people who have visited this country remain fascinated her forever.

1. “This is 95 year old Hirane from Japan. I accidentally entered it shop to ask for directions. We became friends and now he is every day devotes 2 hours to teaching me Japanese"

2. In Japan, there is a cafe that gives the opportunity to the paralyzed people feel needed. They are hired to manage robotic waiters

3. There is a park in Japan where you can shake hands with an otter.

4. After the sensational victory of Japan over Germany on World Cup in 2022, Japanese athletes left their dressing room like this. They even made cranes!

5. Head coach of the Japanese national team Hajime Moriyasu bowed in a token of gratitude to the fans who have come a long way to support your team

6. And the Japanese fans after that memorable match stayed at the Khalifa International stadium to clean up the trash.

7. When Pope Francis visited Japan in 2019, he was given a custom-made anime kimono, which he immediately tried on

8. In Nara Prefecture, deer have learned to open cafe doors and bow to ask for food.

9. Japan does not give up trying to grasp the spirit of Christmas

10. This is how trees are moved in Japan when a road needs to be widened. Do not destroy, but carefully preserve

11. Latte art (the art of drawing on coffee crema) in Japanese style

12. “I love meeting this elderly Japanese man who patiently walks his giant turtle every day.”

13. A Japanese man built a Totoro at a bus stop to make it more fun for people to wait for transport.

14. The bus that takes children to kindergarten

15. Vending machines in historical places are designed to fit into the architectural ensemble.

16. On the inside of the Cup Noodle lids are drawn cat face. However, with a 6% chance you will get a Tibetan fox (middle row, right)

17. A Japanese submariner was assigned to watch one of Shinto shrine, which is located below the surface of Tateyama Bay

During the decades of this work, he became the best friend of the Asian a sheep-headed wrasse named Yoriko who lives near the shrine.

18. Kyoto University Allows Students to Wear Any Suit to Graduation Ceremony

19. At the Vara Arts Festival you can see these giant straw sculptures

20. Stylish train station building in Japan

21. And a little bit about railway etiquette in Japan: the poster "Please speak more quietly"

22. Irreplaceable friend and assistant of a Japanese student

23. Manhole cover in Japan

24. Meet the modern Japanese samurai, they are garbage collectors

25. This is Yukako Fukushima. She makes pinky prosthetics for cocks yakuza who have gone through the ritual of yubitsume ("shortening the finger")

This is a Japanese ritual of atonement for an offense inflicted on another, a way to be punished or to express sincere apology and remorse by amputation of part of his own little finger.

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