Two lions escaped from a Chinese circus during a performance

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
25 April 2023

The predators, fortunately, did not touch the visitors. Apparently, they simply decided to escape from their tormentors.

A bloodbath almost ended a children's party in the city of Luoyang due to the negligence of the traveling circus staff. Two adults and a lion trainer angry at the numbers were able to escape from the enclosure that separated them from the audience. The circus staff at random fastened one of the fragments of the fence and the animals managed to slip out.

Fortunately for a few dozen frightened spectators, the lions did not pay attention to them and rushed to the service exit. One of the predators was caught, and the second turned out to be more agile and managed to leave the territory of the circus. He calmly and without showing aggression walked in the parking lot and was caught after a while.

The circus has not yet commented on the incident, but the city authorities decided to close it out of harm's way. Now law enforcement officers are looking for the very unscrupulous employee, whose actions almost led to the tragedy.

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