Online shopping is a real lottery where everyone can lose without expecting it. The thing is that sellers on the Internet are divided into two categories - honest entrepreneurs and those who only and waiting to fool an unsuspecting customer by slipping him instead of the ordered goods some nonsense.
Imagine that you ordered a beautiful dress, and you received something like a bag of potatoes. Or maybe you liked cute cat house, but instead they send you a strange one mini ottoman. Unpleasant, right?
Of course, you can try to return an unsuitable product. However in most cases, sly sellers do their best to get you failed to pull off such a trick. In this case, only blacklist the unscrupulous supplier and laugh at the situation. Do not spoil the nerves, in the end ends.
Mom ordered a cat lock for $20. This is what they sent her
Your mom's expectations were a little high if she thought she'd get this for 20 bucks.
I think you just need to water the pillow for it to grow into a gorgeous cat tree!
Bought a chair
I wanted a sheep like the one on the left!
I couldn't return the tree because the online store told me it was a seasonal item
Almost identical bouquet
Just got my coat. I suspect there is an error
Not a mask, but a crypt
My friend gave me this for my birthday. I think that the toy was originally supposed to look different
My friend and I bought this silver jumpsuit for a party from an obscure website.
At least the price is good
He does not clean, he just shows where to clean.
Tie a wet rag to it and let it crawl with it.
We ordered a grill in an online store to cook for the whole company. And they sent us a children's pink version
I ordered this ottoman for my wife. Should have checked the dimensions.
What I ordered and what I received
Expectation and reality
If IT meows and moves its tail, as indicated on the package, shoot.
On the kote box before playing with the child - and in the box after!
I ordered a PS2 on eBay. There seems to be something wrong
I wanted to buy a new and beautiful table
The family of a friend ordered a pinata in the form of Elsa, but received such a disgrace