A selection of impressive archaeological finds (18 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 16
19 April 2023

We invite you to spend a couple of interesting minutes in the selection impressive archaeological finds. It's amazing how much more amazing treasures are stored in the bowels of the earth. And all these exhibits they will simply decorate museums, but will also reveal many secrets about the life of civilizations of the past.

505 gold coins found in a brass pot during excavations at Jambukeshwarar Temple

Dugout canoe found in Lake Mendota in Wisconsin

The find was scanned using high-tech tools. Its approximate age is 1200 years.

Viking skull with sawn teeth found in a mass grave in Dorset, England

The purpose of the filed teeth remains unclear, but some researchers believe the carved teeth were necessary to intimidate opponents in battle or show your status as a great fighter.

Roman horse armor from the 3rd century AD, consisting of approximately 2,000 bronze scales. Found at Dura Europos, Syria

The bottom photo shows the armor shortly after it was discovered in 1932.

The colossus of Ramses the Great was discovered in 1820 near the great temple of Hut-Ka-Ptah

This is a huge ten-meter statue, which is carved from limestone. The lower part of the monument is missing, so it was decided leave in a supine position. The age of the monument is 4500 years.

Silver ring depicting two fish hanging from an anchor. Made an ornament around the 3rd century AD

Bird from Saqqara in Egypt. It was made in the 3-2 century BC

Around this figurine, a lot of controversy is born. Yes, the Egyptologist Khalil Messicha stated that this small figure is tiny a copy of a real aircraft, which was invented in the Ancient Egypt. However, another researcher Martin Gregory refutes it. words, stating that the bird could never fly, since it has no tail stabilizer. According to other assumptions, the figurine can be the object of the cult of the falcon god, a boomerang or toy.

Bronze hand belonging to the temple of Jupiter Dolichen was discovered in England

This black granite sarcophagus was found in Egypt

It weighs several tons and is the largest sarcophagus ever discovered in Alexandria. Scientists found bodies inside three officers belonging to the Egyptian army.

Bamiyan Buddha statue, 6th century AD, Afghanistan

In total there are two such monuments. There is a version that the statues appeared in the 3rd century during the era of the Kushan kingdom.

Ancient Greek golden wreath 2300 years old

Gold leaf of the crown used for the coronation of Napoleon I, the only one left in the world, 1804

Golden hand of Charlemagne - a valuable reliquary, 15th century

Made in Lyon by order of Louis XI. Stored in Aachen, Germany, in the royal chapel.

Huge ancient water tank carved into the rock Sanctuary of Perperikon. It holds 432 thousand liters of liquid

The world's largest ancient mosaic was discovered in the Antakya region of the city of Hatay in southern Turkey

Hundreds of gold coins from the late Roman Empire have been found in downtown Como, Italy, buried in a soapstone container

Mysterious archaeological site and temple of Göbekli Tepe located in Turkey

It was opened in 1994. Researchers estimate that it is at least 12,000 years old.

During the archaeological excavations at Tell al-Ubaid were found 7000 year old artifacts depicting humanoid figures with the appearance of lizards

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