russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 14

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
15 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Politico, citing leaked US documents:

France informed Italy that the SAMP/T air defense system, which they had agreed to send to Kyiv, would not be ready for transfer until June.

- Former FSB agent, Russian commander and militant Igor Strelkov (Girkin) is being checked under an article on "discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

- Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu will visit Russia from 16 to 19 April.

Shanfu, appointed in early March, is under US sanctions for facilitating military cooperation with Russia.

- Politico, citing leaked US documents:

U.S.-made smart bombs fall victim to Russian electronic interference in Ukraine, causing them to miss their target.

- Head of Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) Budanov:

Success is important both for the Ukrainians and for the allies.

Without victories, sooner or later questions will arise whether it is worth continuing to support Ukraine.

- Latvia transferred to Ukraine almost half of its defense budget (49.2%).

- Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang:

China will not sell weapons to any party linked to Ukraine and will control the export of dual-use goods.

- President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic:

Serbia will never send a single bullet to either Ukraine or Russia.

- German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock:

I urged China to use its influence on Russia to end the war against Ukraine.

- Medvedev:

I don't know who will win or lose such a war, but given Poland's role as a NATO outpost in Europe, this country will definitely disappear along with its underdeveloped prime minister.

- Ukrainian howitzer with UAV network against kamikaze

- All 8 Leopard 2 tanks pledged by Canada for Ukraine arrived in Poland for further delivery to Ukraine

- Hungary secretly allows the transport of weapons through its airspace to Kyiv, — Politico.

The material ( says that Hungary gave such permission despite the fact that it promised to ban such movements.

Since the beginning of the war, Budapest has been step by step opposed to sanctions on Russian energy resources and the transfer of weapons to Ukraine.

- Patrushev and Gerasimov planned to sabotage the war, – "leak from the Pentagon".

As the day of the end of the war, they scheduled ( March 5, when Vladimir Putin a course of chemotherapy was to begin, and he would no longer be able to influence what was happening. However, later Gerasimov abandoned his plans.

Thus, according to the source, Putin is sick with cancer. There is no confirmation of the information contained in the document.

- Warrior Artur Asadov died defending Ukraine.

On the photo — fragments of correspondence with his father, who is fighting for the Russians.

- Every seventh couple applies for marriage registration online — Opendatabot (

Since the portal «Diya» online applications for marriage registration became available, 2908 couples have already used the function.

- Crimea – this is Ukraine, for his release we will use any non-prohibited weapon, — Danilov.

Yesterday Danilov did not rule out that the reason for periodic explosions in the Crimea may be Ukraine's tests of the latest weapons.

- Putin cancels Victory parades in the regions of the Russian Federation due to lack of tanks, — Atlantic Council.

There will be no parades on May 9 in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, as well as in the Crimea. Official reason ( — security considerations, since these regions border Ukraine.

But, according to the Atlantic Council, in fact, due to losses at the front, Russia may simply lack military equipment, which the authorities do not want to admit.

- A Russian spy was detained in Sweden,— TV4 Nyheterna

Russian citizen worked at an oil refinery in Gothenburg, where she was engaged in corporate espionage. There she was arrested.

The whole operation to detain a Russian woman — under the strictest secrecy.

- Another 500 asvabadites received the status of "good Russians"

Large fish also went to demobilization:

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Abonosimov

▪️Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Ivanov

▪️Major Evgeny Beketov

During the full-scale war, 181,090 Russians followed the ship

- Everyone, let's go! Easter cakes from online stores in the Russian Federation do not work!

▪️Priests of the Russian Orthodox Church opposed the sale of consecrated Easter cakes in online stores

Only alms in the pocket of the son of God can bring to faith

- Superstitious economics: key events of the week

▪️According to the website "Electronic Budget", the budget deficit on March 28 reached more than 4 trillion rubles. According to the Ministry of Finance - only 2.4 trillion rubles. It is likely that the data of the Ministry of Finance are manipulative in nature.

▪️The Arbitration Tribunal in The Hague ordered Russia to pay $5 billion in compensation to Naftogaz. The company suffered losses from the seizure of assets in 2014 in the Crimea. In Russia, they recognized the fact of the court decision.

▪️The United States imposed sanctions against the enterprises of Alisher Usmanov. The sanctions list includes the following companies: Metalloinvest, Megafon, Ackermann Cement, Lebedinsky GOK, OEMK im. Ugarova.

▪️The government allowed NOVATEK to buy out Shell's (27.5%) stake in Sakhalin-2. Within the framework of "Sakhalin-2" the Piltun-Astokhskoye and Lunskoye fields of the Sakhalin shelf are being developed. The ruble could fall due to the fact that the company withdrew more than $1 billion of capital in dollars.

▪️According to the results of 2022, the volume of foreign currency deposits of Russians abroad exceeded their size within the country. The Central Bank admits that "to a large extent, the accumulation of foreign currency assets of residents has moved abroad."

- Every seventh Russian may be left without a mobile connection

▪️Mobile operators demand to update their personal data through the State Services, allegedly due to an inspection by Roskomnadzor. The data was not confirmed by 20 million people

It's time to get out plastic glasses, string, and make walkie-talkies

- After the death of his mother, an orphan boy from Udmurtia was given such housing

▪️In Votkinsk, a 13-year-old was given a room in a hostel without the consent of his guardian. Grandfather-guardian was forced to pay 4 thousand rubles a month for luxurious conditions for a child

Nsomething needs to be sacrificed so that the king wipes his ass with gold paper

- During the opening ceremony of the European Weightlifting Championship in Yerevan, Armenians burned the flag of Azerbaijan

- An unknown number of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 UAVs were handed over to Poland today.

The first batch was delivered in October 2022.

- Russia in terms of power struck a blow to the front in the coming week — Estonian intelligence.

The Russian Federation follows the redeployment ( of its troops on the front line, which means that the Russians are heading towards a possible offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The intelligence also notes that Russia still retains the initiative on the battlefield, although, according to analysts, the aggressor troops no longer have enough opportunities for strong strikes along the entire front line.

- China trades copper from the Russian-occupied Debaltseve Metallurgical Engineering Plant, — Reuters.

From October 2022 to March 2023, Kuzhou Nova acquired ( 14/) at least 3,220 tons of copper alloys worth $7.4 million. Western sanctions prohibit any international trade with Russia's occupied territories, but they bypass them.

- Still looks like a special drain before the offensive

- "We haven't started anything yet"

- Have any shifts in the brain already begun?

- How to survive - life hack for chmobiks

- "I will transfer my taxes to the Army of Ukraine!" - an open letter to Putin from a citizen of the Russian Federation Olga Kiriyenko

I suggest to all Russians who left Russia to send similar letters to this fucking terrorist. Let at least the cops respect.

- Vitaly Drobyshev. "Delicious and period": a year later

The Russian analogue of the American McDonald’s called «Vkusno– and dot ended its first year with an astronomical loss of 2 billion rubles ($25 million). Even skeptics did not expect such a bad result. In Russia, almost everyone was sure that the new fast food chain would become super popular and someday "surpass McDonald's itself."

The story with «Delicious - period» – This is the history of modern Russia. It has absolutely everything: corruption, stupidity, ignorance, mediocrity, hostility.

Immediately after the start of the CBO, the McDonald’s chain announced its withdrawal from Russia – after 30 years of doing business here.

Putin's quilted jackets rejoiced at this news almost more than at the beginning of the NWO. For several weeks, propagandists from the central TV channels gloated and said that Russia "is the most capable of making a bun with a cutlet." (i.e. McDonald's burger). They say the era of American fast food is over forever, and now the Russians will be fed "delicious ingredients from domestic organic products." Prices for such products will decrease, and the quality – will increase.

Here it is worth noting that McDonald’s, building its business in Russia, faced enormous problems. What were the free toilets in fast food restaurants, which the Russians quickly turned into public and filthy only for their own pleasure.

«These Americans are such jerks – Pthey ask us for free in clean toilets, – laughed redneck in the 1990s. – We need to leave more dirt there, load the cleaners to the fullest.

McDonald’s steadfastly overcame all difficulties and literally built an American business in a completely wild post-Soviet country. Moreover, the company miraculously managed to ensure that none of the Russian officials interfered in the logistics process.

At the end of 2021, the network's profit amounted to $27 million in terms of rubles. This is an excellent result for any foreign company operating in Russia.

Problems at «Tasty– and dot started from day one.

At first it turned out that domestic burger buns get stale too quickly and begin to become moldy. Then the Russian varieties of potatoes were declared unsuitable (the Russet variety is required). Then there were problems with ketchup and sauces, as well as packaging (glasses, boxes, bags).

Equipment left by McDonald’s gradually failed. Employees began to steal more often, be rude to customers, and neglect their duties. There are comments like this on the internet:

“We wanted to do better McDonald's, but it turned out worse than in the dirtiest roadside cafe. The food is completely inedible. The whole family spent several days on the toilet after eating here & hellip;".

Prices in «Tasty– period», of course, have grown. Portions have become smaller, and the – shorter and more uniform.

Reviews for each of the 875 fast food restaurants in Russia are similar to each other. Most often, people complain that they were not informed of the purchased food, that the products turned out to be spoiled, that food and drinks are absolutely tasteless.

If someone praises «Delicious – period, then mainly for the interior. This is one of the features of the restaurant business in Russia. Millions of rubles are invested in the furnishings, and any rotten meat is served as food.

Like at the dawn of the opening «Vkusno – and period, "the phrase is constantly pronounced:" Can't you make a bun with a cutlet?

It is curious that behind the work «Vkusno i tochka» followed closely by the American media. At the same time, experts did not understand how it was possible to ruin McDonald's in a few months, which has been improving its logistics and technological system since 1940.

The experts were especially surprised by the naivety of the Russians, who were sure that the secret of success lies in the very same “bun with a cutlet”.

From the failure “Tasty– and points» One more conclusion can be drawn: public catering as a quality business has never existed in Russia. Foreigners brought absolutely everything – technology, logistics, traditions, culture, control, etc.

As soon as McDonald’s and almost 900 other foreign businesses associated with the sale of ready-made food left Russia, public catering immediately began to turn into that same classic Soviet canteen, where they are rude, cheated, poisoned, etc. Employees hate customers and customers hate employees.

Now it's coming back to Russia – and it seems like forever. No one else will lend a helping hand to us. Will not tell you how to improve the quality of goods and services. How to make appetizing and profitable this very ordinary "patty with a bun"…

- This will happen in Crimea too. All transactions after 2014 will be declared invalid, because there was an occupying power. Estonia freed itself from the invaders from Scoop, so it gave the house to the legal heirs.

- But many wrote that they would not sign))

- Good post and interesting comments

- Professional scammer

The main scammer of Russia: a woman wrote about a thousand complaints against Russians and prisoners of war because of the SVO. According to her, this is how she fights for her future — because he does not want to pay reparations to Ukrainians.

In autumn anthropologist Alexander Arkhipova was denounced because of an interview about Newspeak. She tried to figure out who wrote it, and went to Irina (name changed) — a very active woman who sent another 21 complaints against Alexandra's colleagues who spoke in foreign media. Then Arkhipova decided to contact the disgruntled citizen, and sheOddly enough, she explained everything to her in detail.

Irina herself called herself a professional informer, in whom it is "in the blood", since her grandfather was an employee of the NKVD and "actively used the tools of complaints." According to her, she wants to "create an atmosphere of fear" and «wean» people to contact media-foreign agents. According to Irina, this will help "weaken" opposition media, to deprive them of views and eventually provoke their closure. In a conversation with «Mediazona» (recognized as a foreign agent) the woman added that she also watches interviews with prisoners of war — and keeps track of which of them surrendered voluntarily or "spread lies" about SVO.

According to Irina herself, she is about 40 years old, she has never been abroad, she used to work as a teacher at a university, and now she lives on savings. She deals with denunciations according to the “two by two” scheme: first, she watches YouTube videos in one gulp and looks for hostile elements there, and then rests. In total, during the NWO, according to Irina, she wrote 922 denunciations. At the same time, she spoke in detail about her motives:

“My interest is purely material. The fact is that the Ukrainian authorities have been repeating from the first days that Russia "should" pay them "reparations". Moscow officials will definitely not offend themselves, but they will collect "reparations" from the provinces, plus how they will reduce law enforcement agencies in the 90s. This means that in my city there will be huge unemployment and its sister is crime. Plus everything will go up in price. This means that I will have to work much harder than today, eat much worse.

BAZA writes about it

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