Climax by formula: the British have developed a mathematical model of male orgasm (4 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
13 April 2023
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A truly revolutionary discovery they again made - British scientists. Thanks to the titanic efforts of researchers The University of Sussex has developed a mathematical model of the male orgasm.

The goal of a long-term study was to find out the optimal to obtain orgasm conditions. And the base was the legendary a 1966 study based on 10,000 sexual acts is the basis of the theory Masters-Johnson sexual response cycle, supplemented by modern research in 2006. Using fMRI machines, the researchers tracked for neurological changes in volunteers that occur during time of sexual intercourse.

Here it is - the cherished formula

As a result, two equations were derived concerning psychological and physiological factors affecting the nature of the male orgasm. If we translate mathematical language into philistine, then The equation is based on the four stages of the male sexual intercourse cycle. This excitement, plateau, orgasm and complete discharge. A simple conclusion from everything this heap of complex formulas - go for it and you will find it. Not just overdo it too hard and too much in advance.

The authors of the study emphasize that it is not worth considering the result of their work as a universal scheme. Since all people are different, as well as their characteristics and needs. Moreover, it is not entirely clear how apply the model in practice: the developers do not presented.

But they promise to closely engage in modeling women's sexual reaction, the structure of which is an order of magnitude more complicated than that of men. A then there will be sheer nonsense - to combine these models. And they will decide virtually all folk sexual problems. And there will come a universal sexual harmony. But it is not exactly.

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