One ball instead of two: a Canadian model has a burst breast implant (6 photos + 3 videos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
7 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

"Victim of plastic surgery" named Mary Magdalena is saddened: because of damaged implant, it now seems to everyone that she has only one breast. Attention: all videos and photos of this post are not recommended for viewing impressionable and suffering from sleep disorders!

A freak model from Canada posted on social media that her breast implant. The blogger is sad and wants to reduce the second breast, returning her "naturalness".

This is how Mary Magdalene looked with two



The video is not recommended for viewing by people with a fine mental organization!

And this is what the model looks like now.

The model who has already spent about 150 on her transformations thousand dollars, ready to shell out some more money to bring her breasts into order.

Stages of transformation. From pretty dancer to outrageous freak model

The only pity is that after breast plastic surgery there will be less on the skin free space for tattoos, and Magdalena loves to decorate her body of all kinds of drawings. She already has about a hundred of them, and stop on this amount, she does not intend to.

As for the chest, some subscribers (imagine, there are such!) In social networks, models are advised to leave everything as it is. Say, such "beauty" does not spoil anything. If you have already gone down the path of mutilating your body, so be consistent and go to the end!

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