Interesting facts and footage from the filming of the film "Back to the Future 2", which many have not seen (26 photos)

13 April 2023

In 1989, the long-awaited sequel to the cult film was released. "Back to the Future", where the characters visited not only the past, but also the future. And today I would like to tell you some interesting facts about filming of this film, as well as to show some interesting shots from filming. Previous part here

1. Remember Doc Brown's shirt? Many did not pay attention but it depicts a flying locomotive that hints at events third part. By the way, in the third part of the film, Doc Brown will use a piece of your shirt as a neckerchief.

2. The most difficult thing was shooting with flying skateboards (hoverboards). In order to shoot these scenes, the actors had to hang on ropes.

Moreover, so that they would not jump off, their shoes had to be screwed to the boards.

It was much easier when the hoverboard chase scenes removed to the waist. At such moments, the guys raced on ordinary skateboards or dedicated platforms.

By the way, in order to skateboard in the first part film, Michael J. Fox was specially trained for this. But since filming the second part came only 4 years after the filming of the first part, Michael forgot how to ride and he had to re-remember all his skills.

3. In order to show flying cars, they used their reduced copies.

But in order to show the moment of takeoff or landing, one had to turn to heavy equipment for help.

4. Michael J Fox played not only Marty McFly, but also 47-year-old Marty and his children - Marty Jr. and Martha.

In order to show all family members in one frame, I had to turn to the help of understudies.

By the way, the props had to be glued on so that nothing would move when the frames were superimposed during editing.

5. To make Marty's son and Biff's grandson different from theirs relatives, actors Michael J Fox and Thomas Wilson wore lenses, so that their eye color is different.

6. To make Marty's futuristic jacket automatically sit on him size, several people simultaneously pulled the jacket for special fishing line.

7. There are many references in the film to other famous movies. For example, the movie "Jaws 19" is a reference to the movie Steven Spielberg "Jaws". The director of the 19th part of the film is Stephen's son - Mark Spielberg. Let me remind you that in the movie "Back to the Future" Spielberg is a producer.

Another reference is the robot from the movie Batteries Don't attached" who was walking his dog here. Producer of the film "Batteries not included" is also Steven Spielberg.

But the Roger Rabbit doll from the antique store is a reference to the Robert Zemeckis film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, due to which, by the way, the director postponed the shooting of the film "Back to the Future 2".

8. The role of Jennifer in the second part of the film was played by an actress Elisabeth Shue, while in the first part this role was played by Claudia Wells. Actress Claudia Wells pulled out of sequels to spend as much time as possible withmom with cancer. That's why the opening scene of the second part is so different from the final scene the first part.

However, it was Claudia Wells who voiced Jennifer in Back to the future: the game (2010).

9. In the first part of the film, George McFly was played by an actor Crispin Glover. But by the time of filming the second part, he requested that his fee was the same as that of Michael J. Fox, in which he was denied. Then he refused to act in the sequel.

As a result, the role of George was decided to be greatly reduced. That is why, in the alternate present, he was killed by Biff.

As for the scenes in the future, for this role they found more less like actor Jeffrey Wisaman. But so that the viewer does not notice substitution, it was decided to hang old George upside down, like he pulled back.

Well, in the scenes in the past, frames from the first part, which made Crispin Glover very angry, because of which he sued the creators.

Interesting footage from filming

Michael J Fox with his stunt doubles

Rare frame. Biff from the future amuses Lorraine from the past.

If I missed something, share other facts in the comments.

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