Charming dwarf who became the muse of the great storyteller and the prototype of Thumbelina (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
6 April 2023

This character is loved by modern readers. The author himself treated him with special warmth.

And although the ending of the fairy tale about Thumbelina is happy, the life of the prototype was far from being so joyful.

Hans Christian Andersen

The son of a shoemaker and a laundress tried himself in Copenhagen during studies in various fields. Andersen was 17 when he turned to the Danish admiral, who headed the Naval Cadet Corps, for recommendations. Peter Wolf was famous for his talented translations English classics. The play that Hans Christian Andersen showed admiral, he did not appreciate. But imbued with sympathy for the young man and invited him have supper. At dinner, a fateful meeting took place.

Beloved without love

Henrietta Wolf

Andersen met Wolfe's daughter Henrietta. Information about the appearance of the girl has been preserved very contradictory. From one On the other hand, she was pretty, with huge eyes and delicate skin. Nose another ... Henrietta suffered from a developmental pathology and was almost dwarf. And the girl's back was disfigured by a noticeable hump.

Young people quickly found a common language. Henrietta was good educated and possessed a sharp natural mind. They could enthusiastically for hours to talk, discussing a variety of topics, among which were future Andersen's works.

Next to each other, they looked comical, because Andersen He was tall, skinny and rather awkward. And the miniature Henrietta, though she was pretty, but her body, twisted by illness, cannot be hidden.

However, the opinions of those around them were of little interest. Parents girls encouraged friendship, believing that it could develop into something more. And young people get married. But that did not happen.

Andersen became interested in Jenny Lind, a famous Swedish singer. Although she initially stated that there was nothing but friendship between them Maybe. In 1834, Woolf left home and moved to Italy in the hope that that a favorable climate will help improve health. But ties friends don't lost, constantly corresponded. Just at this time Andersen wrote several stories for children, including "Thumbelina".

The critics bit into the tale like a pack of hungry wolves: and there is no morality in it, and the language is primitive, and the meaning is zero. But the author was not things to their panting: after all, every word, every image, every metaphor - this is a dedication to his little girlfriend.

Ending Andersen wrote especially for Henrietta: Thumbelina finds himself in a fairyland, where he finds happiness among a tiny elven people who accept her as their own and marry one from elves to marry.

In fact, the end of a fairy tale is the reality that Andersen could not give his named sister. And he metaphorically shown in the form of a swallow. Firstly, this is due to the fact that in Danish language, the name of this bird refers to a common genus. That is a swallow can be both "he" and "she". In addition, it was Wulf who was the most furious writer's advocate. And in a fairy tale, she saved a bird from death, warmed it up.

Evil rock of a little muse

Unfortunately, in the history of the real Thumbelina, a happy the final didn't happen. After the death of her parents, Henrietta and her brother left and traveled a lot around the world, living in one country, then in another. We visited the States and the West Indies. That's where the girl's brother contracted a fever and died in Henrietta's arms. She buried last loved one and returned to Denmark.

For many years she dreamed of visiting her brother's grave at least once more. AND dared only in 1858. Wulf was tormented by doubts, she even wanted to cancel the trip. But she dreamed of her late brother and literally begged to visit him. Apparently, providence sent premonitions for a reason: on the ship "Austria", which departed for the West Indies, there was a fire. AND almost all of the passengers, including Henrietta, perished in the flames.


Andersen took the death of his friend and muse hard. Being very impressionable, he even began to see how the houses on the streets turn into giant waves and flood everything around. He realized that for so long lose your mind. And put alle strength to stop constantly thinking about the same thing. So the sharp bitterness of loss grew into a quiet sadness.

The little woman dreamed of love despite her illness. But happiness did not happen. But in history there was a touching and beloved many a fairy tale in which Thumbelina nevertheless found her happiness.

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