In a trampoline center in Moscow, a man tried to kidnap a small child

5 April 2023
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The father of a three-year-old baby at first thought that an instructor was messing with his daughter, and then he began to observe and film what was happening on video.

A father with a three-year-old girl came to the trampoline center "Atmosfera" in the capital's shopping center "Kashirskaya Plaza". The parent was briefly distracted, and when he turned around, he saw that some man was engaged with his daughter. He tossed her balls from a dry pool, carried her in his arms and played with the baby. The father of the child thought that this was a children's instructor of the trampoline center, whose duties included entertaining the kids, but then he realized that the man was not wearing a uniform.

Then the parent of the crumbs began to film what was happening, and when the stranger took his daughter in his arms and with the words "let's go look for mom" moved to the exit, blocked the man's path. With the help of a real instructor of the center, the police were called and the kidnapper was detained.

The father of the crumbs provided law enforcement officers with video evidence of the detainee's guilt, and he had to agree with the charges. It is reported that the man lives in the same area, works as a courier and has not previously been seen in illegal actions. Now he is under arrest.

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