Roofs flew around the city: the strongest hurricane in Batumi and its consequences

31 March 2023

Yesterday, March 28, Batumi was hit by the most powerful hurricane in decades. He tore roofs off buildings, uprooted eucalyptus trees and circled fences through the air. And it’s hard to imagine what the passengers of the liner, which could not level out before landing, went through.

Yesterday, March 28, a natural disaster struck the Georgian city. The powerful hurricane caused a lot of trouble, and its consequences will take more than one day to eliminate.

At first, the city did not attach much importance to the increasing wind. People walk calmly along the boulevard, shivering slightly and holding their hair.

Collapsed structures, flying roofs of houses and uprooted trees speak volumes about the strength of the hurricane.

In the parking lot around the stadium where the match between Georgia and Norway was taking place, the hurricane tore out fences and damaged cars.

There were some casualties. A young man died at the Kobuleti resort when a tree fell on the car he was in.

According to forecasters, bad weather in Western Georgia will not be limited by this hurricane. Surprises from nature are possible for a few more days, including squally winds and a storm of 4–5 points.

A video of the airliner landing appeared on social networks. The aircraft had to land sideways - strong gusts of wind prevented it from leveling off.

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