A man hit a customs officer at Pulkovo airport

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
28 March 2023

The passenger flew in from Dubai and will immediately go to jail - from the ship, as they say, to the ball.

Another unrestrained citizen of Russia showed a master class on how to earn a hefty criminal article out of the blue. The man flew to his native St. Petersburg from Dubai, but during the check of his luggage, customs officers found a little more than 15 thousand undeclared dollars (1.15 million rubles) in one of the bags. Although, according to the law, as the Federal Customs Service explained, no more than 10 thousand dollars are allowed to be imported without a declaration.

In general, the passenger committed not the worst administrative offense. But apparently that didn't seem to be enough for him. And while the FCS officers were counting the money and drawing up a protocol, he began to swear at the customs officers and threaten them with reprisal. As a result, he hit one of the customs officers in the face, citing the fact that he was kept in the department for too long.

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