Why a camel is fed snakes (4 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
27 March 2023

The famous "ship of the desert" is known primarily for that carries a supply of food and water in its humps. But it is remarkable not only this.

The camel has a very strong immunity that can cope with many deadly diseases for other animals. Terrible to camels only tuberculosis, from which animals accustomed to dry air often suffer when they are on wet pastures and in dampness. Also the body a camel can lose up to 25% moisture without harm. For other animals such dehydration would end in death.

But it happens that the camel still falls ill and then begins refuse food. To treat their camels, the owners came up with very unusual way.

They force animals to swallow a live snake and drink it plenty of water. From snake venom, a camel increases body temperature, he becomes thirsty. And when the animal is completely perspire, then begins to recover. Without the participation of the snake to force a camel to cool down or, on the contrary, to sweat is not an easy task, so how the animal regulates body temperature on its own (this helps he will not boil during the day and not freeze at night).

In the harsh conditions of the desert, this radical method of treating camels is a real salvation.

And there were even cases when, with a shortage of food, camels found snakes on their own and swallowed them completely of their own free will. Their body resistant to poison, copes with it perfectly and for them some the viper is like antipyretics for us, from which we sweat with illness.

Desert dwellers can cure their sick big friend with the help of a variety of strange potions, where tobacco is poured, gunpowder, sulfur, crushed bones, oil and tar. Reminds me of some witches' drugs, but most importantly, they help put the camel on your feet.

Scientists say that a camel's immunity can handle even with the plague, which rodents can reward an animal with, by accident swallowed while eating plants. And that's just from the plague, in that number, and are treated with poisonous snakes.

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