15 mysterious objects, the functionality of which cannot be guessed the first time (16 photos)

27 March 2023

There are too many things in the world, and it's almost impossible to deal with them. get to know everyone. And with continuous production and modernization it is not surprising that old items are stored for a long time and eventually they functions are forgotten. In this post you will see photos of unfamiliar things, which aroused the curiosity of the users.

1. I found this cute thing at a thrift store years ago.

This is a garden decoration. It looks like the base can be sunk into the soil.

2. It is made of metal and both balls are firmly glued

Ladies are accustomed to using these little whisks to degas carbonated drinks.

3. Small vintage ceramic container with cork, circa 1940s

This is a container for soy sauce.

4. What is this small metal dish with an egg-shaped container and miniature salami slices?

German mustard pot.

5. Found this in a cupboard in the kitchen

This is a hamburger press.

6. Wooden typewriter with numbered dials, but on some of them have inscriptions "living room", "female entrance" and "bathroom room"

It's an old maid's bell indicator.

7. Silver plated, thin material

This is a spoon holder that is attached to the edge of the plate.

8. What is this glass object? It is quite heavy, with a very narrow opening at the top.

This is an oil candle.

9. Leather item with a strap that wraps around the back of the hand. There is a heavy ball inside

It is a kind of self-defense tool.

10. What are these wooden structures? They are randomly scattered across the field and look unfinished.

These are hay boxes.

11. Metal pencil with a battery inside

Electric nail file.

12. No markings, with red velvet interior

It looks like a camouflage mask or glasses for ceremonies.

13. Transparent plastic thing that turns like scissors

This is a cord clip for blinds.

14. Glazed tableware with a handle

This is a special dish for French onion soup.

15. Found at work, in a warehouse. Plastic case, plastic balls, strange smell

This is a capsule with flavored balls that repel moths.

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