The famous leader of the pride from the Serengeti park was killed in a fight with young rivals

22 March 2023
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He was a favorite of visitors and wildlife photographers.

Bob Junior, a lion named after legendary reggae artist Bob Marley, was killed in a brutal fight by his young rivals. He was incredibly photogenic, which made him a favorite with photographers and visitors to the Serengeti, which stretches from northern Tanzania to southern Kenya east of Lake Victoria.

Along with his brother Tryggve, Bob Junior ruled the Serengeti pride for over seven years. Tryggve was also killed by rivals, and conservationists are planning a special burial place for the brothers.

Park employee Fredi Shirima said younger rivals were plotting to overthrow their leader.

“These incidents usually happen when the leader of a pride is getting old or sometimes when other male lions are unhappy with his control over a large area.” – Fredi Shirima

Shirima said conservation officials were trying to figure out exactly what fate befell Tryggve, as the attacks that killed the brothers were separate.

About 3,000 lions live in the Serengeti. In the wild, adult male lions live between eight and ten years.

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