The history of the first sports car Lamborghini (6 photos)

Category: Retro cars, PEGI 0+
22 March 2023

Perhaps you have already forgotten, or maybe you didn’t know, but about 60 years ago, Lamborghini decided to try its hand not only in the production of agricultural machinery, but also in the production sports cars. Today's post is about that very first Lamborghini, how it was created and how it turned out.

Legend has it that Ferruccio Lamborghini decided to take up automobile business after one unfortunate turmoil. Say at Ferrari - the sports car owned by this venerable gentleman, constantly the clutch assembly failed. He soon got tired of it and went to nearby in Maranello, to the manufacturer of these very machines. Lamborghini complained about the problem, and immediately to Enzo Ferrari himself, the founder and CEO of a famous company. He was a prickly man and to criticism immune, therefore he rejected all claims and, in addition, stated that the clutch failure was caused by the low qualification of the driver, to the complex automotive technology after tractors unaccustomed. Actually after this incident, offended in the best feelings by Ferruccio Lamborghini and decided engage in the production of sports cars. How many in this story truth, and how much advertising fiction we will not know, but soon the brand Ferrari has acquired a very serious competitor.

To design their first sports car specialists Lamborghini started in 1963. Former lead designer Ferrari engineer Gianpaslo Dallara. For the development of the engine attracted Giotto Bizzarini, another native of Maranello, an extremely experienced and talented. No wonder he got the engine for glory - 12-cylinder V-type with an aluminum block cylinders and two twin-shaft cylinder heads. With a working volume of 3.5 liters, it produced an incredible 360 hp, 115 more than the engine the latest Ferrari 330 GT.

In parallel, Bizzarini and Dallara designed the chassis with tubular frame, all independent suspensions and disc brakes according to circle. A two-door body with a squat silhouette was assembled by wizards from by Carrozzeria Touring. The output turned out to be a well-tailored coupe with pointed front and spectacular stern in the style of Aston Martin DB4. And everything would be fine, but after the engine was finally ready, it turned out that a large 12-cylinder unit in the engine compartment the prototype simply does not rise!

However, Ferruccio Lamborghini was not at all upset and October 1963 presented his "semi-finished product" on the Turin auto show. The prototype Lamborghini 350 GTV was demonstrated with a tight hooded, and its engine was located nearby on a nearby stand, ostensibly for greater clarity.

In Turin, the 350 GTV produced an indelible impression on the local audience. impression. Everyone appreciated the advanced design and powerful 12-cylinder engine, and Ferruccio Lamborghini began to take pre-orders.

The whole next year, the Italians rebuilt, or rather created new sports car. Based on the previous concept, the chassis and body designed from scratch. This time the car was based on a stronger space frame made of box-section tubes. Independent suspensions, as well as Girling disc brakes, remained the same, and here the engine was deformed to 280 hp for the sake of the resource. Gearbox initially planned to develop their own, but then refocused to use the German company's synchronized 5-speed manual transmission ZF.

The body was also developed by Carrozzeria Touring. Automobile slightly increased in size, and instead of hidden headlights, on elongated "Pedestals" installed oval headlights. Besides, in in the process of adaptation for serial production, the salon acquired an additional rear seat and became a triple. Machine designated Lamborghini 350 GT turned out to be beautiful and original, in no way inferior to similar to the Ferrari models.

Small-scale, but in fact piece production of the 350 GT started in July 1964. In March 1966, the Lamborghini plant, by that time received the legal status of "automobile", assembled 120 cars. Soon the production of a modernized version of the Lamborghini 400 GT began. with a forced 4-liter engine with 320 hp. and quadruple salon. In this form, the car was produced for two years - until end of 1967.

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