And the wife of a fur handsome man has nothing to do with it: this is what nature ordered.
An amazing creature - a cutie with a forked horn - ceratogaulus inhabited the planet a couple of tens of millions of years ago. IN horned ground squirrels chose the territory of modern North America. Of course with goats, deer or buffalo ceratogaulus cannot be compared: the scale is not the same. The gopher had horns small, neat, without branches and notches. And grew just above the nose.
After the horned fluffy, nature no longer joked such jokes.
Why was all this necessary?
Scientists have suggested that for earthworks. But themselves over laughed at their hypothesis. After all, then the growths would have acquired other rodents - moles, mice, hamsters. Yes, and the horns would interfere during development of tunnels, constantly destroying them.
The second version looks no more plausible: sexual preferences. Allegedly for the fair half, horned gentlemen look more attractive. In wildlife, rams, bulls and deer for fighting. But they also help to maintain the integrity of the skull other adaptations that fluffies did not have. Yes and general the structure of the carcass did not allow the ceratogaulus to fight - too short neck.
Studies have shown that they did not possess special vigilance. So consider what processes the chosen one has, evaluate the size, smoothness and other characteristics of the female could not.
So the only reasonable explanation was the banal self defense. Yes, horns are not suitable for ritual battles. But if put them up against the attacker, it will drop significantly chance of being bitten on the neck. And the chances of staying alive will increase. Moreover, the more often ceratogauluses got to the surface, the more they became horns. The food helped. And space for there was much more growth than underground.
Where did these unique ones go? And why? Everything in this world the end comes. The little stags felt at ease while There were plenty of greens for food. And the bloodthirsty predators are not yet demonstrated high intelligence. But the carnivores grew wiser, multiplied, needed food. And then came the Ice Age. AND baby horns have sunk into oblivion, like many other amazing creatures unable to resist the forces of nature.