A visual explanation of why hippos are the most dangerous herbivores in Africa (5 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
17 March 2023

Many believe that the most dangerous animal in Africa is the lion. Yes, of course, lions are the kings of beasts and all that. But do you know what the hippos do not risk attacking even lions? There are a lot of hippos physical strength, an inquisitive mind and no enemies in nature. At all. Even people they are not afraid.

First, let's watch a video with a hippopotamus. It has a caretaker zoo treats his ward with a watermelon. The hippo eats easily watermelon and eats it completely. It's no secret that hippos have monstrous power.

But hippos rarely use this force. Let's start with that he doesn't need it. In nature, hippos have no enemies. At all. African predators do not risk messing with this one and a half ton machine for murders. A hippopotamus can easily kill an adult lion, and the kings of beasts they know it very well.

Even people are not interested in hippos. Their fangs are not listed on black market, their meat is tough and tasteless. Hippo skin once used to make whips and lashes, but with the abolition of slavery and it has ceased to be mined. In other words, hippos live in peace, don't bother anyone.

The main weapon of hippos is fangs. Hippos grow fangs all their lives and can reach a length of more than half a meter. In a compartment with a remarkable by force, such a weapon becomes lethal. In a rage, the hippopotamus is capable of bite even a Nile crocodile in half.

Another undeniable weapon of the hippopotamus is his mind. If you think that this is just a huge cow, you are greatly mistaken. If it is necessary, hippos know how to kill very sophisticatedly. There is a known case when Hippo attacked by a lion. Either the predator was starving, or it was too young and inexperienced. The hippo did not trample the lion or tear it with its fangs. He simply grabbed him across the torso, dragged him into the water and drowned him.

Another case proving the intelligence of hippos occurred in delta of the Nile. There was a shark there. This is what happens when a shark is chasing prey. Herring sharks are very furious and sometimes insane in their rage. This shark missed its prey and decided to recoup on a hippopotamus. The one not began to fight with a shark in the water, and pulled it out onto land and trampled it there. Of course, all these stories are taken from the Internet, but they show the main thing - hippos are very smart.

And hippos are very kind. They can even help other animals avoid harm or death.

There are videos on the Internet in which a hippo saves antelope. This is not an accident. Hippos are really very generous. Zoologist Dick Recassel told how, in front of his eyes, a hippo rescued antelope.

The alligator grabbed one of their antelope and dragged it into the water. A nearby hippopotamus recaptured the prey from the predator, helped it climb out onto shore and even began to sniff the wounds. Fortunately, the antelope was not much wounded, got up and rode away.

And here is the video of the rescue of the antelope

Hippos spend most of their lives in the water. Can say they share their habitat with crocodiles. That is why The most frequent skirmishes among hippos occur precisely with crocodiles. More often In total, females, protecting the cubs, drive predators away from themselves.

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