An explosion occurred in one of the workshops of the steel plant in Zlatoust

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
15 March 2023
Severe metallurgists from the Chelyabinsk region did not even move their ears. Normal workflow.

A powerful explosion occurred at a metallurgical plant in the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk Region, while loading the charge into the furnace. The company reported that nothing extraordinary had happened - ordinary cotton. Briefly and clearly.

The charge was lying on the street, snow, ice got in. Cotton

The incident happened on March 9, but the video went viral only today. The calmness of the operator is amazing. Not a single exclamation or strong word. The steelworker has nerves of steel!

It is known that the charge consisted of metal pipes lying on the street under the snow. The explosion thundered during the melting of the first batch of metal. Fortunately, no victims or injured as a result of the "clap" were found. The management of the enterprise did not apply to the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rescuers know nothing about the explosion. First heard from journalists. Happens.
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