Unpatented Sun: a man who lost billions, but saved his childhood (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
14 March 2023

Jonas Edward Salk (1914 - 1995). This person's name is not too well known. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people from different countries.

Fanatically dedicated to his work, Dr. Salk invented the vaccine from poliomyelitis. And he ventured to try it on himself and his own children so that others can live.

Jonas Salk in his youth

After graduating from college, Jonas became interested in medicine. And him I was interested in the theoretical side of the issue, science. Boy enrolled in medical school at the University of New York. And after her Graduating in 1939, he completely immersed himself in science. His passion has become virology.

At the origins

Before Salk, few people dealt with this topic. And pretty superficial. Even the very definition of "virology" came up with Jonas. After several years of active research, together with colleague Thomas Francis, the doctor invented and tested the flu vaccine. She It turned out to be effective, but the doctor did not want to stop there.

Polio is defeated

Polio virus

After the war, the National Infantile Paralysis Foundation donated means for the study of causative agents of poliomyelitis. Before the working group the only task was to study the enemy, to understand what he is is.

But already in the course of work, the doctor came to the conclusion that the project - this is a great opportunity not only to study and classify pathogens, but also the creation of a vaccine that can really help in saving lives.

The doctor isolated a group of viruses, killed them with formalin and used as the basis for the drug, which had the ability to stimulate the production of protective antibodies in the body, capable of resisting the pathogen.

The man was so passionate about the idea and believed in success that I tried the novelty not only on myself, but also on my children. Tests passed successfully. With double vaccination, the efficiency was 90%, and if the drug was administered three times, this guaranteed 99% antibody production.

After the start of the vaccination campaign in 1956, already 5 years, she has demonstrated amazing results - indicators the incidence of children in the States fell by 96%! It was a victory.

The Salk vaccine began to be used in other countries. A The creator has received many prestigious awards. But the most desired it became possible for him to open and lead his own institute, engaged in biological research.

A few years later, the vaccine was changed to more improved. But this does not detract from the contribution of Salk, who became pioneer in this field. He was also involved in the development of a vaccine against oncological diseases.

Dr. Salk deliberately refused to patent his invention. Although, according to the most modest calculations, the patent would bring him about 7 billion dollars. The earnest scientist argued his refusal, in love with his work, comparing development with a heavenly body. "Is it possible to patent the Sun?" - the doctor was surprised at the question and more did not return to him.

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