Tug of war with a bald head - a new sport from Japan (4 photos + 2 videos)

Category: Sports, PEGI 0+
9 March 2023

The Japanese city of Tsuruta is known for the fact that here every year unique competitions. This is a variant of tug-of-war, in which bald men attach suction cups to their heads, after which they try to pull the opponent. It sounds strange, it is impossible to explain - it must be just see!

Tsuruta, a city in Japan's Aomori Prefecture, recently for three years he held his annual Bald Head Tug of War tournament. The event has been canceled three times due to the coronavirus pandemic, and for fans of this amazing sport, the cancellation every time became real tragedy. Now lovers of this strange sport just happy!

Invented by the Tsuruta Hagemasu association as a way to encourage men are more relaxed about baldness, the sports game is more resembles tug of war - but on suction cups. two people sitting opposite each other, attach suction cups connected by a rope to their heads, and pull them each in their own direction. The one who loses the suction cup will come off first.

Acting under the motto "The light of the bald head is the light of the world, brightly illuminating the dark spots of reality,” the Tsuruta Hagemasu Association is trying to reconcile men with the condition they face throughout millennia. Due to baldness, as statistics show, men often self-esteem drops, they become depressed or anxious. fans unusual sports strive to ensure that its participants think positively and sought to make the world brighter with their radiant bald heads.

Since the founding of the association in 1989 in Tsuruta, every year there are tournaments for dragging suckers with bald heads. soon game became so popular that the annual event was renamed to the National Tournament, because it brought together participants from all over Japan. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the event was suspended for three years, but on February 22, 2023, the male sport of baldness returned to Tsuruta.

This year's national tug-of-war tournament baldhead for the third time in a row was won by a certain Mr. Ota, which made him one of the most successful contestants in the history of the sport. How can be seen in the video, he has a flat top, which is probably advantage for the athlete. But, according to stories, participants sometimes other tricks are used, such as polishing the head or a small changing the strength of the impact in order to provoke an enemy error.

According to the rules, in tug-of-war suckers can participate men with hair and even women who attach suckers to the forehead. However, for obvious reasons, bald people dominate this sport, because the smoother and smoother the surface, the better the suction cup stays on the skin. Thus, an unusual sport fulfills its main purpose, suggesting to the bald that the absence of hair may well be advantage.

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