russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 7

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
8 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Wagner began to recruit patients of neuropsychiatric dispensaries

▪️Prigozhin was banned from recruiting convicts and he decided to further raise the image of the Russian army.

To get into Wagner, certificates from psychiatrists and narcologists are no longer needed - the main desire is to die

- Hashtag Glory to Ukraine! Topped global Twitter trends

▪️Tweets and posts in social networks began to be massively written by people around the world as a sign of solidarity with a captured Ukrainian shot by Russians. He said "Glory to Ukraine", for which he received several bullets almost at point blank range.

We thought not to write about it and not to put a video. Very creepy footage. But still, "Glory to the Heroes"!

- The life expectancy of men in the Russian Federation decreased by 5 years to 64.2 years… it is less than in Bangladesh

▪️Same life expectancy in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world, writes The Economist

▪️At the same time, a man in Russia lives 6 years less than in Bangladesh

▪️But when compared with Japan – generally 18 years younger

▪️The natural decline in the population of the Russian Federation has reached 2.3 million people – the death rate exceeded the birth rate

To speed up the process, you can still mobilize and come home in a black bag

- Kadyrov's favorite stallion named Zazu was stolen in the Czech Republic

▪️Purebred English breeding stallion cost $18 thousand and was in the Czech stable of Krabchitsy

▪️He was on the list of property of the Chechen dictator arrested under sanctions

They say Kadyrov has grown fat, softened and the Gypsies are no longer afraid of him

- The war has come to a critical moment: either there will be a truce, or the situation will get out of control, — head of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

According to him, it seems that there is an "invisible hand" that contributes to the prolongation and escalation of the conflict in order to "implement its geopolitical plans." Which hand — he didn't elaborate.

- AFU stabilized the northern line of defense of Bakhmut, — British intelligence

Over the weekend, Ukrainian forces managed ( to stabilize their defensive perimeter after previous Russian offensives on north of the city.

- The struggle of the leaders of the Republicans — Trump and DeSantis — "should worry Ukraine", — CNN.

As a result of this struggle, the Republicans can nominate ( a candidate for the presidency who will completely stop support Ukraine.

For example:

➡️ Trump has already promised to end the war in Ukraine in one day. And he is already building his presidential campaign on the fact that Biden brought the planet to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe.

➡️ Regarding DeSantis, he evolved from a supporter of military assistance to Ukraine in 2015 into its critic.

- The Bundeswehr cannot fulfill its obligations to the ultra-high readiness tactical forces of NATO — SPIEGEL.

Panzer battalion representing 97cf-fde69180d80a) part of the German forces encountered malfunctions of the Leopard 2A7 main battle tanks.

- A downed missile will cause a war.

North Korea will accept ( -the-u-s-and-south-korea) US attempt to shoot down an intercontinental missile during its test launch in the Pacific Ocean as a declaration of war, statingor the sister of the leader of the DPRK, Kim Yo-jong.

- The Ground Forces named the name of the soldier who was shot after the phrase "Glory to Ukraine".

Deceased — Timofei Shadura, he has been missing since February 3.

- Exports of weapons from Switzerland grew by almost a third, even taking into account the difficulties due to the neutral status — Bloomberg.

Arms sales have risen ( to $1 billion. Among the main buyers of Swiss weapons and ammunition — Europe and the Middle East.

- Golden strawberry.

In Ukraine, strawberries began to appear on the shelves of supermarkets at 600 UAH per 1 kg, but in honor of March 8 they made a discount and sell at 459 UAH per 1 kg.

- Nord Stream was blown up by a pro-Ukrainian group, — The New York Times.

According to the publication (, this is indicated by "new intelligence data, with which U.S. officials have been informed. Officials believe that Ukraine and its allies have the most logical potential motive for attacking the pipelines.

- The RF Armed Forces lost from 20,000 to 30,000 manpower in the battles near Bakhmut, — writes ( The Guardian journalist Dan Sabagg, citing Western officers.

At the same time, he notes that the ratio of wounded and killed can be one to three.

- The Hungarian Ministry of Defense announced that it is participating in the training of military doctors from Ukraine.

The statement was made ( after Slovak Defense Minister Yaroslav Nagy said on Monday that the Ukrainian military is being trained in Hungary.

- Every fourth child in Europe is at risk of falling below the poverty line, — Deutsche Welle.

The worst performers ( are now in Spain and Romania: 33.4% and 41.5% of children, respectively. The risk of poverty for children was lowest in Finland (13.2%) and Iceland (13.1%).

The sharp rise in prices for basic commodities such as milk, cereals and vegetable oil, as a result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, has exacerbated the situation.

- Graffiti with a Ukrainian hero appeared near the Srednefontansky shopping center

- congratulations on March 8

- important story

Is it true? How about in Belarus?

- March 8, 2023, Tbilisi, Rustaveli Avenue Photo by Nodar Rukhadze

- In Kharkov, for the first time since the beginning of the invasion, street lighting was turned on

- Fool Bullet

- Chmobiks have not returned yet, but the tenants have already prepared.

- “In Russia, everything changes in 10 years, in 200 years — nothing. The photo shows a clipping from the magazine «Bomb» No. 1, 1906

- A Japanese former member of the Yakuza signed up as a volunteer and fights in the ranks of the "Georgian Legion" in Ukraine.

- Svetlana Tikhanovskaya was sentenced in absentia to 15 years in prison by the Minsk City Court

1 comment
8 March 2023
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