Extreme golf that you can only play from a helicopter (7 photos + 1 video)

6 March 2023

Be careful, golf lovers: these photos make you so the eyes will light up, which will burn the monitor for a short time. Meet the most the toughest golf course in the world where players have to climb the top of the mountain, just to get the first hit. Fortunately, for this no need to be an experienced rock climber - it lifts golfers to the playground helicopter.

Athletes have a good time on this unique field. sweat even before the first hit - after all, the launching pad (in golf, its called "tee") is located at an altitude of 400 meters above the hole, and to get You can only get there by helicopter.

The legendary golf course called Extreme 19th can boast the longest distance from the tee to the par-3 hole (i.e., the ball is supposed to be driven into the hole in three strokes) - 357 meters.

Perched atop Mount Hanglip in South Africa on 400 meters high, it is also the highest hole in the world. Regardless of the force of impact, it will take almost 30 seconds for any ball to reach a lawn with a hole ("green"), reminiscent of Africa in shape.

I wonder if anyone conquered this hole in just one hit?

Although getting to this place is a whole thing, the scenery there is so stunning that it is worth it.

The video is so exciting that you want to hurry to grab a club, even if before that I saw golf only in the movies.

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