A fast food lover ordered not a cake with 36 candles for his birthday, but a burger with 36 cutlets (6 photos + 1 video)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
2 March 2023

A resident of the UK Craig Harker decided that the phrase "I love have fun, especially eat" - this is about him, and celebrated his 36th day birth of a monstrously large hamburger. He asked for a normal burger and add an additional 35 cutlets to it. Surprisingly, he no one objected and the order was executed exactly. The holiday was a success!

The wish of the birthday boy is the law.

But he was unable to overpower the treat in its entirety. Craig, as much as he loves fast food, could only eat 12 burgers. cutlets, and shared the rest of the “cake” with relatives, friends and pets. In general, there was enough food for everyone.

I think this is the biggest burger ever. ordered at Burger King - a real treat for a birthday, - said Craig. And it turned out to be very profitable, by the way. If I ordered a hamburger that size in a restaurant, you would have paid much more.

In the video, he says he decided to treat himself in honor of the day birth, but not with a cake, like normal people, but with meat, since he crazy fast food fanatic and absolutely carnivorous. Realizing that this experiment needs to be properly prepared, Craig put on jeans that stretch on the stomach, like maternity pants.

In addition to the giant hamburger, he ordered French fries and Diet Coke, not forgetting to joke about it:

Diet Coke for me, I watch my calories.

Craig Harker really loves to eat. He has his own a pub in Hardwick, his hometown, and he also runs a food blog, Dad Loves Food, which talks about the intricacies and tricks of cooking and gives helpful advice.

Apparently, now he will boldly advise a burger cutlet cake instead of a cake with candles.

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2 March 2023
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