A selection of interesting and crazy designs (18 photos)

Category: Creatively, Fun
10 December 2022

This post is a hodgepodge of fun, weird and a bit man's crazy thought. Such creative guys know how to implement your creativity to the fullest. Octopus Headphones, hamburger kettle, camel-leg table... all this is just a small part of the tip of the iceberg. Let's take a look at the talented incarnations weird design ideas.

Octopus Wireless Headphones

Pass the burger and tea, please.


“My friend is a fish. His teeth are a cast of my fiancé's. Now he sits with me in the office."

Minion Louis Vuitton

Fashion denim bag

“I saw such a hybrid of a washbasin / stove / mini-fridge at a client’s house”

Earrings made from sweets in the form of wisdom teeth with caries

"My new guitar"

Mug with handle in the shape of a foot

Table on camel legs

Balenciaga and Crocs mix

If it works, then it's not nonsense

"My new headphone case"

How do you like this golf cart?

guitar with eyes

Yes, it's a real bus door.

A dog made entirely out of boots

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