Enough for everyone: food prepared for the giants (18 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
18 February 2023

In some cafes and restaurants, you can notice special positions in menu for the hungry people. They usually start with the words extra-big-mega-hyper-deluxe-maximum-XXXL-super-big. It would seem that, it's just such a chip or promotion for visitors. Like, eat A 20-kilogram burger itself and you don't have to pay. But sometimes establishments they just prepare such portions for the largest eaters.

One of the biggest pizzas you can order in the USA

This pizza will cost approximately $299 if you order only one topping.

Giant fruit bars

This is how half of a bologna sandwich served in a famous cafe in Philadelphia, USA looks like

A slice of pizza that can feed a whole company

The sizer is what you need!

Portion for the food lover

A restaurant in Tokyo serves a dish called Spaghetti in Neapolitan. Includes pasta, 15 beef cutlets, 15 strips bacon, the same number of fried eggs and servings of traditional Japanese potato salad. The finished dish weighs more than two kilograms. If the guest will eat such a portion for a strictly defined time, he may not pay for it.

Huge donut. How much happiness in those eyes

A giant hot dog served on a skateboard. Apparently to be visited to appreciate its length

Giant chocolate chip cookies

Baozi is a traditional Chinese dish. Here is a particularly large bun that was prepared by a skilled chef

Japanese pancakes

Have you ever seen rolls wrapped in rolls?

Giant Cheese French Fries Served in Japan

By the time you get to the bun, you are already full

Giant ice cream that was bought in Poland

The child is in shock! How do you eat it now?

Giant piece of beef jerky

Made tacos from the heart

This giant taco weighs over 5 kilos! Surely, this girl could not cope with him from the first approach.

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