Photos from the past (40 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 18
18 February 2023
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A selection of interesting photographs from the past. Not only ours, and not only close.

Tanks of the US Army go to the front near the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Italy, September 6, 1944

Admiralty, St. Petersburg. Photochromic postcard of the Russian Empire in the late 19th - early 20th century

Winter. Ulyanovsk, 1978. Photographer Valery Shchekoldin

Divorce of border guards on the Indo-Pakistani border

Household supplies store in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. USA. 1935

"Fatal obstacle", USSR, 1972. Photo by Valentin Khukhlaev

Propaganda snapshot of the Goebbels department

Photo caption: "Waffen-SS soldiers are warmly welcomed by Ukrainians, they are provided with soft drinks and foodstuffs". This the picture was taken in the summer of 1941, and the soldiers, presumably from division "Viking".

World Exhibition of 1900 in Paris. 8th arrondissement (Elise), Champs Elysees

Priest in the Far North.

Japanese marines in gas masks on the street in the area Toad in Shanghai. In the foreground is a soldier with a 6.5 mm Type 11 machine gun. China, August 1937

Viet Cong guerrilla in the Mekong Delta, 1973 Photo by Le Min Truong

"During the war, such women could be found almost everywhere, says the photographer. - She was only 24 years old, but she twice widowed. Both her husbands were soldiers. I saw in her the embodiment an ideal partisan who made huge sacrifices for the sake of his country."

The streets of Dublin on a typical day in the early 1960s. Ireland

Emperor of Russia Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, 1899

The future President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in the late 1980s - early 1990s.

After shower. Written by Christian Coigny

Mikhail Gorbachev shakes hands with Donald Trump before breakfast at the US State Department. 1987

Jakob Naken (221 cm), the tallest Wehrmacht soldier ever history, talks with Canadian Corporal Bob Roberts, whose height only 160 cm, after he surrendered near Calais in September 1944 of the year. France

Nancy Reagan covers her husband's head when he forgets about recent head surgery, took off his hat to wave people, 1989

German schoolgirls are going home because they never went to school hit. The school then banned shorts, tight pants and visiting it by bike. Germany, 1953

Kowakien Yunessun - Hot Spring Spa Resort with Park water activities in Hakone, Japan. In the photo, the famous baths with red wine. 2008

City scene in Rio de-Janeiro, Brazil, 1999

The most frequent visitors to the bar 1895

Photo with a difference of 60 years

A photograph known as "The Loneliest Job". President John F. Kennedy is leaning over his desk. February 11, 1961 of the year.

Czechoslovak battalion sniper Maria Lyalkova-Lastovetska with SVT-40 rifle, 1943

The 1st Czechoslovak separate battalion was formed in Buzuluk Orenburg region, where training and education of personal composition.

The average graffiti of the Soviet space of the 40s of the last century

Barge haulers on the Yangtze River. China, 1946

Yuri Gagarin is driving around London in a Rolls-Royce with a number composed of his initials and one - a tribute to the first in astronaut history.

Joseph Stalin with his daughter. 1930s

At the bus stop. Photographer Y. Krivonos, Bucharest, Romania, 1973

On the ashes A cat with a pierced ear. 1943 City of Zhizdra. Kaluga region. USSR

Ratha Yatra in London 1973

Solfeggio. 1967 Photo by Vladimir Lagrange

Department store "Zelenograd", Moscow region 1975-76

Irina Miroshnichenko, Actress of the Moscow Art Theater of the USSR. 1971 Photo by Oleg Ivanov / RIA Novosti

Alaskan Eskimos in wolf costumes for performing ritual dances, early 20th century

How young we were: they write that this is the young Sofia Potaru in the Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, 1973

Danish model Winnie Holman. Cannes, 1975 Photo by Helmut Newton.

Monica Bellucci

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