25 oldest buildings in the world (26 photos)

14 February 2023

Ancient structures are always surrounded by history and mystery. They are so experienced a lot in their lifetime! Once they were grandiose monumental buildings that had an important strategic or cultural meaning, and today it is the echoes of the past that we continue to study and which it is impossible not to admire.

1. Palace of Knossos

The Palace of Knossos is an ancient palace in Knossos, Crete, Greece. This was the administrative and political center of the Minoan civilization, which flourished on the island of Crete around 2000-1400 BC.

This is a large complex of buildings and structures, including central courtyard, throne room, royal residence and several smaller rooms and corridors. It is known for its complex architectural design, including frescoes, columns and built-in storage spaces.

2. Su Nuraksi di Barumini

Su Nuraxi is an archaeological site of the pre-Nuragic period, located near the city of Barumini, Sardinia, Italy.

It is a complex of ancient structures built between 16 and 13 centuries BC by the Nuragic civilization that inhabited the island Sardinia. Su Nuraxi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and considered one of the most important examples of Nuragic architecture Sardinia.

3. Van Fortress

Van Fortress, also known as Van Castle or Van citadel is a medieval castle located in Van in eastern Turkey.

It was built in the 9th century by the Kingdom of Van, a powerful an Armenian kingdom that ruled over parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. It was used as a defensive fortress and the capital of the kingdom. Lock consists of a series of walls and towers and has a complex layout with several courtyards and buildings.

4. Pyramid of Djoser

The Pyramid of Djoser, also known as the Step Pyramid, is an ancient Egyptian pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt.

It was built in the 27th century BC during the Third dynasty for Pharaoh Djoser, king of the second dynasty. The pyramid is considered oldest completed stone structure in the world and is an important an example of early pyramid building in ancient Egypt.

5. Newgrange

Newgrange is a Neolithic passage tomb in the Boyne Valley, County Meath, Ireland. This is one of the most famous prehistoric sites in Ireland. The monument was built around 3200 BC, making it one of the oldest structures in the world.

Newgrange is believed to have been used as a burial site and for ceremonial purposes. The most notable feature of the monument is a passage tomb, a long narrow tunnel leading to burial chamber. The tunnel is aligned so that on the day winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, the sun's rays penetrated into the burial chamber through a box on the roof and illuminated it.

6. Megalithic Temples of Malta

Megalithic Temples of Malta - a series of ancient temples on the Maltese Islands, one of the oldest and most important European archaeological sites dating back to the Neolithic period (4000-2500 years BC.).

The temples are built of stone and are large and complex structure. They consisted of chambers, passages and courtyards, used for ritual and ceremonial purposes. Temples are decorated carvings and sculptures, and are thought to have played a central role in religious and social life of the ancient Maltese.

7. La-Hug-By

La Hug Bi is a Neolithic burial located on Jersey, Channel Islands. It is one of the oldest and most important archaeological sites in the Channel Islands dating from 4th millennium BC.

La-Hug-Bi - a long mound, a typical funerary monument the Neolithic era. It consists of chambers and passages used for funerary and ritual purposes. The monument is made of earth and stone, decorated with carvings and sculptures.

8. Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx on the west bank of the Nile at Giza is the oldest monumental sculpture on Earth.

Carved from a monolithic limestone rock in the shape of a colossal sphinx - a lion lying on the sand, whose face, as has long been customary considered to be given a portrait resemblance to Pharaoh Khafre (c. 2575-2465 gg. BC BC), whose funerary pyramid is located nearby. The length of the statue is 73 meters, the height is 20 meters; between front legs there was a small shrine. Estimated date of construction - 2559 BC e.

9. Ebla Royal Palace

This is an ancient palace that was located in the city of Ebla in modern Syria.

It was built in the 24th century BC and was one of the most important palaces in the ancient Near East. The palace was a large complex of buildings that served as a residence and administrative center of the Eblaite kings. It consisted of chambers, halls and courtyards, decorated reliefs and inscriptions. The palace is known for its well-preserved records containing valuable information about the history, culture and daily life of the Eblaite civilization.

10. Karnak

Karnak is an ancient Egyptian temple complex located in Luxor, Egypt. This is one of the largest temple complexes in the world, consisting of a number of temples, chapels, towers and other buildings that built over 2000 years.

The temple complex is dedicated to the gods Amun, Mut and Khonsu and was main center of worship in ancient Egypt. Karnak is famous for its massive columns, obelisks and other architectural elements, and well-preserved reliefs and inscriptions that contain valuable information about the history and culture of Ancient Egypt.

11. Pyramids of Giza

The pyramid complex at Giza is an ancient necropolis on the Giza plateau in suburb of Cairo, the modern capital of Egypt. It is generally accepted that buildings were created in the Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt during reign of the IV-VI dynasties (XXVI-XXIII centuries BC).

Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), the largest of the pyramids, - the only monument of the seven wonders that has survived to this day ancient world, as well as the national treasure of Egypt. She's made from limestone blocks and originally had a height of 147 meters (today height is 139 meters).

12. Temple of Hatshepsut

The Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut is an ancient Egyptian temple in Luxor, Egypt. It was built for Hatshepsut, who ruled as regent under young pharaoh Thutmose III from 1479 to 1458 BC.

The temple is an example of New Kingdom architecture and built from sandstone. It consists of chambers, halls and courtyards, decorated reliefs and inscriptions. The temple is famous for its well-preserved bas-reliefs and notes containing valuable information about the reign of Hatshepsut and everyday life of the ancient Egyptians.

13. Ramesseum

The Ramesseum is an ancient Egyptian temple in Luxor, Egypt. He was built by Pharaoh Ramses II in the 13th century BC and dedicated to funerary cult of the pharaoh.

The temple is an example of New Kingdom architecture and built from sandstone. It consists of chambers, halls and courtyards that were filled with inscriptions. Known for the giant statue discovered there Ramses II, as well as well-preserved temple inscriptions.

14. Temple of Cyrene

This ancient Greek temple, located in Cyrene, Libya, was dedicated to Apollo, god of prophecy, music and archery, and was one of the most important temples in ancient Libya.

It was built in the 6th century BC and is an example Doric style of architecture. The temple was made of marble and architecturally it was a peripter: rectangular a structure surrounded on all sides by a colonnade (6 x 13 columns).

The temple was destroyed in the 3rd century AD, and the ruins later were used as quarries. The place is currently a popular tourist attraction and a reminder of the ancient the history of Cyrene and the importance of the god Apollo in ancient Libyan religion and culture.

15. Temple of Juno Lacinia

Temple of Hera, also known

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