Unusual types of pepper (8 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
14 February 2023

In addition to black and allspice, there are many more varieties of peppers.

Black pepper / Piper nigrum

Everyone knows his taste. In the first photo, it is so that the size of the rest of the peppers can be seen.

Cubeba / Piper cubeba

Cubeba is mainly grown on the islands of Java and Sumatra, it is sometimes referred to as Java pepper. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of pine needles, cardamom and nutmeg. Slightly hotter than black pepper. Very fragrant, because of this it is better to use in smaller quantities than black.

Sichuan Pepper / Zanthoxilum bungeanum

Despite the name, it is not a pepper. As a spice only the shell of the fetus is used. The taste is citrus-coniferous, similar to juniper berries. Instead of sharpness, it causes numbness and tingling. It looks like a feeling when he served his leg / rested his arm.

Selim Pepper / Xylopia aethiopica

Also not a pepper. African spice, small the pods are the fruits of the Ethiopian xylopia tree. aromatic substances concentrated in shells. The ground shell smells like perfume, but it doesn't curb your appetite. The taste is sweet, spicy with a slight tart shade.

Voatsiperiphery / Piper borbonense

Wild pepper from Madagascar. Pine-earthy aroma. If crack a peppercorn, among other aromas you can catch an exquisite a shade of burnt rubber) But if used in small quantities - the taste is unique and interesting.

Pippali / Piper longum

Indonesian long pepper. Has a strong sweetness flavor a bit like cinnamon. The hottest among peppers from this post.

Assam / Piper mullesua

Indian pepper. They write that the taste is similar to garden akmella. Maybe I haven't tried it. It tasted like raw potatoes to me. Instead of spiciness is the same effect as that of Sichuan pepper, only a little stronger.

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